Vol. 41, No. 24
July 6, 2016 — Covers the period June 26-July 2..
Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events
Director/Vice Director Orientation
July 13 @ 8:15am in Newington, CT
LoTW Study Committee
July 13 @ 10:00am in Newington, CT
Administration & Finance Committee
July 14
@ 8:30am in Newington, CT
Programs & Services Committee
July 14 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT
Second Board Meeting
July 15-16
@ 9:00am in Windsor, CT
CEO Office
Reported by Tom Gallagher, NY2RF
Chris Imlay, W3KD, Mike Corey, KI1U and I visited with FEMA administrator Craig Fugate on 6/29 in his Washington, DC office. Chief Technology Officer Ted Okada of FEMA joined as well.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
Diane Petrilli reports that we ended June with 167,325 members -- a loss from May of 667 members; a loss of 527 was forecast. We are 469 members
ahead of the year-to-date goal. The largest sources of membership acquisition in June came from our regular mailings to new licensees, notification of FCC license expiration, and traffic to the ARRL website. Targeted e-mails brought in 193 members
this month. The on-time renewal rate for June (June expirees who renewed by end of June) is 68.93% vs. 71.19% last June.
Jackie Ferreira reports June product sales were $290,253, exceeding the sales forecast of $244,548. Direct sales were $145,061; dealer sales were $145,192. Year to date sales are $1,632,066,
$63,707 ahead of forecast. Royalties earned on sales of our Kindle e-books were $9,450 ($46,504 year-to-date, and ahead of forecast).
Summary of Sales and Marketing Department telephone group, reported by Yvette Vinci:
Week Ending |
Calls Answered |
Calls Per Hour |
Total Talking Duration |
Average Speed of Answer |
7/1/2016 |
792 |
17.6 |
27:33:22 |
11 seconds |
6/24/2016 |
769 |
17.0 |
25:10:37 |
8 seconds |
6/17/2016 |
830 |
18.4 |
26:19:40 |
11 seconds |
6/10/2016 |
803 |
17.8 |
24:36:36 |
9 seconds |
Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity,
reported by Steve Capodicasa:
Ending |
Packages fulfilled |
Member Premiums |
7/1/2016 |
1,209 |
345 |
6/24/2016 |
974 |
579 |
6/17/2016 |
985 |
625 |
6/10/2016 |
1,451 |
510 |
Field Services & Radiosport
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time |
2-3 Weeks |
Logbook Processing Time |
1-2 Days |
Joe Carcia created the texts for the July W1AW Qualifying Runs. He processed regular QSL card requests. He also processed six Qualifying Run certificates
and four endorsements.
Scott Gee worked on slow and fast code practice texts for the two upcoming weeks. He also processed a few VUCC certificates and endorsements.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
Leona Adams 7/1-7/8 PTO
Bob Allison 7/22-7/23 Oklahoma Section Convention, Oklahoma City, OK
Steve Capodicasa 7/11 PTO
`` 8/22-8/26 PTO
`` 9/19-9/23 PTO
Lauren Clarke 7/12-7/15 Fundraising Conference, National Harbor, MD
Jackie Ferreira 7/18-7/22 PTO
Steve Ford 7/5-7/15 PTO
Norm Fusaro 8/5-8/7 Texas State Convention, Austin, TX
`` 8/19-8/21 West Virginia State Convention, Weston, WV
Tom Gallagher 7/14-7/16 Committee Meetings/Board Meeting
`` 8/12-8/14 New Mexico State Convention, Albuquerque, NM
Scott Gee 6/30-7/8 PTO
Mike Gruber 8/22-8/26 PTO
`` 9/26-9/30 PTO
Dan Henderson 7/14-7/16 Committee Meetings/Board Meeting
Bob Inderbitzen 7/5-7/8 PTO
Debra Johnson 7/21-7/24 ARISS Meeting, Washington, DC
`` 8/29-9/4 PTO
Lisa Kustosik 7/14-7/16 Board Meeting, Windsor, CT
Diane Middleton 7/19 PTO
`` 7/25-7/29 PTO
Diane Petrilli 8/5-8/12 PTO
Kim Rochette 7/25-8/1 PTO
Barry Shelley 7/14-7/16 Committee Meetings/Board Meeting
`` 7/18-7/26 PTO
Chuck Skolaut 8/20-8/21 Kansas State Convention, Salina, KS
Maria Somma 7/8 PTO
`` 7/14-7/18 PTO