Thanks Art!


Best and 73,


Fred Kemmerer,  AB1OC


(603) 413-5400



ARRL New England Division Director

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From: arrl-odv <> on behalf of Art Zygielbaum <>
Date: Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:08 AM
To: arrl-odv <>
Subject: [arrl-odv:35068] Recognizing the ARRL Staff


Thanks to generous contributions from you, the members of ODV, the

following announcement will be made to ARRL staff today.


"The members of the ARRL Board of Directors have long recognized that

the ARRL could not exist or provide the services it does without the

skill, dedication, and caring of a talented staff.  As a group, we would

like to acknowledge the people who are the heart and soul of the ARRL. 

We have ordered a bench with the following inscription, 'In appreciation

of ARRL staff, with gratitude for their dedication to furthering ARRL’s

mission. [date] ARRL Board of Directors.'  The bench will be installed

in the break area and dedicated to the staff we count on."


Thank you all for your participation and support.


73, Art K0AIZ



Arthur I. Zygielbaum, K0AIZ

ARRL Midwest Division Director

Member, Executive Committee

Member, Programs and Services Committee

Member, ARRL Foundation Board

ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio®



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