decline in membership that Jim cites is about 3% whereas the dues increase
(either $5 or $6 for most members) was 15% or more. As a very rough gauge,
historically we have seen membership decline by 1% for every dollar of dues
increase. Until the past two months we were doing somewhat better on
membership than anticipated, largely the result of better-than-expected renewal
rates even at the higher dues rates. Renewals have begun to come in at a
somewhat slower pace; we suspect a hiccup in the postal distribution of a large
batch of renewal notices earlier this year and are planning an additional
mailing to those members.
I was
looking at the membership numbers today and quite frankly, I am really
puzzled. We are down 5,089 from a year ago. Even at the old rate of $34 that
is $173,000. At the $39 rate it is $198,471. The only good news is that
Director Coy Day, N5OK just copied me on a message that he signed up 48 new
members and 27 renewals and one family life member at Hamcom this past
What is disappointing is that we have more to show why a ham
should be a member now than ever before. As an organization, we have been very
proactive as of late and maybe it is that we should be telling people that
more in our forums. Director Bellows and Director Walstrom are fix'n to get a
full dose this coming weekend. So, get ready for a good old fashion "come to
meet'n with Jesus" at Soux City this weekend. Make sure you have plenty of
membership applications on hand.
The next tent revival will be at the
Bryce Canyon, Utah. I understand there is a river near by and I have made note
of several scriptures from John the Baptist.
Seriously, we all need to
get a bit more positive and less hesitant about talking about all the good
things we have done lately.
Jim Haynie, W5JBP