Attached is a proposed amendment to Article 11 of the ARRL
Articles of Association. I intend to seek adoption of this amendment at the
July 2006 ARRL Board Meeting. As provided in Article 9 of the Articles of
Association I am providing notice of the proposed amendment at least 30 days
prior to the Board Meeting.
A proposed amendment to the Bylaws is also attached. The
proposed change in the Bylaws relates directly to the proposed change in the Articles.
These amendments:
My submission of the amendments is intended to suggest endorsement
by the members of the ad hoc Article 11 committee since we were not asked to
take a formal vote. Nevertheless, I thank the ad hoc committee members for
their participation, contributions and patience.
Should any Board member (voting or non-voting) have any
question regarding the proposed amendments, please
contact me at your convenience.