We can't expect Rich to accept uncritically whatever the ARRL tells him about each and every issue, but it isn't unreasonable to ask him to hold himself to a higher journalistic standard than he's been adhering to lately. Whether or not Dave's response will persuade Rich to re-think his depiction of the ARRL as a "secret society" depends on whether Rich actually believes what he wrote or is just throwing gasoline on any available fire to build more buzz for the magazine. If it's a case of misinformation and misunderstanding, then that's potentially curable through encouraging Rich to ask for ARRL's comment on League-related issues before making up his mind and writing an editorial. Rich did not just get off the bus yesterday. If he is willing to "get it," he can. On the other hand, nothing Dave says will cause a bit of difference in future editorials if CQ is simply stirring the pot like those attack-dog broadcasters who will take any position that keeps the audience tuned in, regardless of what the "personalities" know or believe as private individuals. I don't know what's going on with CQ and would rather not jump to conclusions, since jumping to conclusions is what we're annoyed with CQ about. I'm waiting to see how Rich will react to Dave's response. If it opens the door to constructive dialog, I'll be happy about that. If it's more riffs on the black helicopters theme, that will be too bad but not the end of the world as we know it. It doesn't take any aim to hit the biggest target in town, and that will always be the ARRL. 73 - Kay N3KN