I have received emails and seen others on email reflectors that show the need to clear up some issues.
Many have questioned my use of Zoom. The ARRL permitted me to purchase Zoom and authorized me to conduct the weekly nationwide meetings we've been holding since the first of the year and months before Covid-19 shut everything down and forced many to resort to video teleconferencing. After consulting with other section managers, I decided not to use the league's go-to-meeting. There is an issue of ARRL content control and scheduling challenges that using Zoom avoids. It seems ironic that the upcoming ARRL Board Meeting is apparently going to be conducted using Zoom rather than the "Go to Meeting" system, which is a rather low-tier and somewhat unreliable (but cheap) system, but they want the section managers to use it.
Recently, our Zoom meetings started exceeding the Zoom Pro limit of 100 participants, and knowing those numbers will only increase, I made a request to the ARRL to increase that limit to the next level of 500. Steve Ewald, WV1X took my request up through his chain of command, where it was declined. I didn't feel then, and I don't feel now that something that is being used nationwide should be paid for out of a section budget. However, a group of section managers did present a proposal to the league to do just that. That proposal was also rejected. I posted an update to the section managers as to where that stood, and what I posted was sent off, resulting in others getting involved. Directors and officers have been contacted by many inside and outside of the ARRL origination, and other voices have surfaced in all this. Bottom line: Those that support our efforts are making their voices heard, and those that don't, want the noise to go away.
Zoom costs: I added a 500 limit to an already paid for Zoom Pro account ($14.99/mo - $148.90 annually). The additional 500 seats added $50/mo, bringing the total up to $64.99/mo - $779.88 annually. I received a discount, so the actual billing was $600.00.
Since we already had the paid Zoom Pro account, they pro-rated the amount due to $395.08, which is the amount I am asking the ARRL for reimburse. The current Zoom account is paid up to February 13, 2021, at which time it will need to be renewed for the full amount of $64.99/mo - $779.88 annually. Rather or not, we renew Zoom at that time will depend on several factors.
To address comments made about me representing ARRL section managers, I want to stress that in no way do I represent the ARRL's section managers or their sections either through my actions or what I say. However, I do provide them a platform for them to represent themselves and the sections they serve. While not all section managers participate, over half do, and together we've been able to make amazing progress. It is only a beginning, and we have a lot more yet to accomplish.
Our ARRL members and others affected by the decisions of the ARRL want to be a part of that process. Section Managers are in the best position to be the voice of those in the field and need to be able to represent their membership better. The current procedure is for section managers to go through their division directors does not work for everyone. If a section manager is restricted from representing his or her section, the membership is who it hurts most. The section managers met with some directors to work out a solution. While the solution we came up with was not ideal, it was a start but short-lived as the directors did not except it, and those doors were closed. Muting the voice of those elected to serve the members effectively mutes the membership.
Other projects include ARES, which is not covered here.
Hopefully, this answers a lot of questions.
Please feel free to contact me directly or by email.