Hi Kay,

I am really glad to see this happening.   While many of us SMs shared ideas, many still struggle and spend a lot of unnecessary time re-inventing processes.  This may be a good step for them towards adopting what we always called Adopting Best Practices (stealing others' good ideas).

Thanks for kicking it off.

-- Dale WA8EFK

On 8/13/2014 7:28 PM, Kay Craigie wrote:
A few days ago I received an e-mail from the Section Manager of Tennessee,
Keith Miller N9DGK, which said,

"During the recent ARRL National Convention held in Hartford, CT, a meeting
was held for all of the attending Section Managers at the convention. Steve
Ewald has already sent a summary of that meeting out on the SM reflector. We
only had about an hour before the closing ceremony started so we tried to
put as much into the conversation as possible.

"Two things came from that meeting: (1) We needed more time to talk and (2)
the desire to convene regularly scheduled SM conference calls to discuss
Section level issues and other information as needed. Three section
Managers, Karl Bowman DVM W4CHX, SM NC; David Greenhut N6HD, SM LAX and I
volunteered to coordinate the calls. 

"We are currently anticipating the call to be on Aug, 28 based on the
responses to date."

The webinar has in fact been scheduled for that date.

I have met two of these three SMs and have *no* reason to think that the
intent is to revive something like the old "secret treehouse" unofficial SM
e-mail reflector that was a soapbox for Board-bashing. That's just not the
vibe I'm getting.

The organizers invited me to say a few words at the beginning of their
webinar and I accepted. Steve Ewald and Ken Bailey were on the cc: list for
the webinar registration information announcement. The organizers invited me
to stay for the whole webinar, but I don't think I'll do that. My experience
as a Section Manager is so far in the past that it's archaeological.

I wanted you to hear about this from me and not via the grapevine.

73 - Kay N3KN

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