As we come to the end of 2021, it also marks the end of my first term as Vice Director out here in the wild wild west.
It has been a great three years, and I am truly honored to call you all friends.
We have done great things the last three years, even with the doom and gloom of Covid hanging over our heads.
We managed to keep the ship on a relatively straight and true course.
I wish you all a fantastic 2022 and beyond and am looking forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks.
To Bud and Fred, I appreciate both of you more than you know. I hope and trust we stay in touch as I consider you both good friends. If either of you come out west, let me know and will try to connect. (SEAPAC is coming up ya know... It's on the beach....well, in the convention center, not literally on the beach, but I digress.)
To Jim and "new" Fred, welcome back to Jim, and just plain welcome to Fred. Jim and I go back close to 20 years now when we first met at SM training at HQ in 2003 and I'm looking forward to meeting Fred in person.
Safe travels to all for the board meeting, and again, it has been an honor serving with you all.
Mark, HDX