This is very sad to hear.


Bill was a part of a tradition that is no longer practiced at board meetings.  It was called the “Lively Arts Society” where a silly movie was chosen to play in the board room the Friday Night of the board meeting.  It was passed from Chris Imlay to me, and I passed it on to Bill.  He entertained us with a number of Inspector Closeau (Pink Panther) movies over the years.


I wish Bill and his family the best.  A very difficult and heart-wrenching time.  He and his family are in my prayers.


‘73 de Jim N2ZZ

Director – Roanoke Division

Representing ARRL members in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia

ARRL – the national association for Amateur Radio

Facebook Page: ARRL Roanoke Division



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From: arrl-odv <> On Behalf Of Art Zygielbaum
Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2023 2:32 PM
To: Beals, Jeffrey, WA4AW (VD-Elect, SE) <>;
Subject: [arrl-odv:34847] Re: Medical Update - Bill W2UDT


This is very sad news. Bill was a good friend and my mentor when I became Vice Director.  He was always patient and had great explanations.

You may know that Ria had a brick placed in the Diamond Circle area thanking Bill for his service after he resigned.

73, Art

Arthur I. Zygielbaum, K0AIZ
ARRL Midwest Division Director
Member, Executive Committee
Member, ARRL Foundation Board
Member, Programs and Services Committee
ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio®

On 6/1/2023 12:16 PM, Beals, Jeff, WA4AW (VD-Elected, SE) via arrl-odv wrote:

Subject: [LIMARC] Medical Update - Bill W2UDT
From Bill's wife, Maryann:
Bill W2UDT, has very advanced Parkinson’s Disease with severe swallowing
and speech difficulties, and is presently in hospice care at the VA
Medical Center in Lyons, NJ.
He can have unrestricted visitors from 8:00 AM-8:00  PM daily.  Bill was
the former Hudson Division Vice  Director for about 12 years, resigning
last year due to health issues.
The National Association for Amateur Radio
Jeff Beals, WA4AW
Vice Director
ARRL Southeastern Division
Serving ARRL members in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Member-Emergency Communications/Field Services Committee
ARRL Southern Florida Assistant Section Manager
PO Box 1584
Loxahatchee, FL 33470-1584
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