
"Hoodwinked Nation" is a great title, and very appropriate!  "The Government", that massive uncontrollable beast, has been guilty of this kind of deception involving broadband at least as long as I've been involved in the Broadband business.  From their initial misunderstanding of what drove the Internet, through the Telecom Act of 96 fiasco, and now with BPL, they are completely inept at managing policy.  The only thing they seem to have correctly done is keep the 'net from massive taxation, and they have to be reminded of that every year!  They're so clueless they don't even know where the Clue Store is located.

If anything, you've been too kind :)

Gee, does it sound like I have an opinion here???

Karl, WA5TMC

Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ wrote:
NTIA's Broadband Report

Unless I think better of it overnight or someone talks me out of it, I intend to distribute the attached critique tomorrow.

I encourage you to download the NTIA report yourself. It's at http://www.ntia.doc.gov/reports/2008/NetworkedNationBroadbandinAmerica2007.pdf


<<Networked Nation critique.doc>>