[ARRL logo-and-logotype black gold vertical] IN-Newsletter Vol. 42, No. 24 June 23, 2017 Covers the period June 11 - June 17, 2017 Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events: PCC.II June 26 - 29 @ Orlando, FL HAM RADIO 2017 July 14 - 16 @ Friedrichshafen, Germany Administration & Finance Committee July 20 @ HQ, Newington, CT Programs & Services Committee July 20 @ HQ, Newington, CT ARRL 2nd Board Meeting July 21 - 22 @ Farmington, CT Tokyo HAMFEST September 2 - 3 @ Tokyo, Japan New England Division Convention September 8 - 10 @ Boxboro, MA ARRL Audio News Below is a link to last week's edition of the ARRL Audio News podcast, dated June 16, 2017: https://www.blubrry.com/arrlaudionews/24540840/arrl-audio-news-june-162017?s... Chief Executive Office Reported by Tom Gallagher, NY2RF Tom Gallagher met with Joe Walsh last week, who was at HQ to record PSA's. They spent time at W1AW before Mr. Walsh departed for his concert that evening. More information on Joe's visit is available on ARRL's social media. The visit was organized by Dan Henderson. Carla Pereira made her first contacts via satellite. She made 6 contacts, the very first being in Mexico. All thanks to Sean Kutzko, KX9X for executing the controls! Planning and preparations for the 2nd Board Meeting in July are actively under way. Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD The ARRL Foundation is pleased to announce approval of two new scholarships: The Medical Amateur Radio Council (MARCO) Scholarship and The Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club (SVARC) Scholarship. Also, an additional General Fund Scholarship has been awarded to Ruth A. Willet, KM4LAO, of Lawrenceville, GA, in the amount of $2,000, and The Peoria Area Amateur Radio Club Scholarship has been reissued to Kaitlyn M. Mayfield, KC9REW, of Coal Valley, IL, in the amount of $500. There is another new scholarship (Terms of Reference) currently before the Board for approval, and five new scholarships are in discussion with the Development Office. The new bench at W1AW, a benefit of a $10,000 Diamond Club donation, was installed on June 21, 2017. Field Services Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N Dave Patton visited with world-renowned DXpeditioner Dmitri Zhikarev, RA9USU, who visited HQ Thursday. Dmitri just ended a short DXpedition to Libya as 5A5A. Production Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY The August issue of QST is at the printer. Radiosport Reported by Norm Fusaro, W3IZ Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 1 - 2 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 1 - 2 Business Days 2017 DXCC Applications 5792 2017 WAS Applications 659 2017 VUCC Applications 257 2017 WPX Applications 308 Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Jackie Ferreira reports that news stories promoting 2017 ARRL Field Day merchandise and AmazonSmile ran last week. The AmazonSmile<http://smile.amazon.com/> foundation donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible AmazonSmile items to ARRL-from purchases made by members and friends who have selected American Radio Relay League (ARRL) as their charity of choice. Instead of shopping at Amazon.com, try shopping at smile.amazon.com. More information is available at www.arrl.org/Amazon<http://www.arrl.org/Amazon>. We encourage member participation in AmazonSmile through e-mailings, ARRL's Facebook page, ARRL News, and e-newsletters. ARRL received total donations of $6,699 from AmazonSmile in 2016, and $2,174 YTD. Membership materials had been shipped to support the all-volunteer ARRL team of Division officials and Field Organization volunteers at the West Gulf Division Convention, Ham-Com, held June 9-10 in Irving, Texas. Following the convention, Oklahoma Section Manager Kevin O'Dell, N0IRW promptly returned 112 membership applications to HQ for processing. Bob Inderbitzen reviewed marketing materials promoting the ARRL Visa<http://www.arrl.org/visa> credit card, serviced by U.S. Bank. Content on our website was updated for bank compliance. U.S. Bank will conduct mailings to promote the credit card benefit to members in July. Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations Leona Adams 06/26 - 06/30 PTO Ken Bailey 07/19 PTO Steve Capodicasa 06/26 PTO Joe Carcia 07/05 - 07/07 PTO " 07/14 PTO " 07/21 PTO " 07/28 PTO " 08/04 PTO " 08/07 - 08/11 PTO " 08/25 PTO " 09/05 - 09/08 PTO " 10/09 PTO Lauren Clarke 06/23 AFP Fundraising Day, NYC " 08/01 - 08/04 Bridge to Integrated Marketing & Fundraising Annual Conference, National Harbor, MD Mike Corey 06/29 FEMA Region 1 Meeting Tom Gallagher 06/22 - 06/28 PCC.II Meeting, Orlando, FL " 06/24 - 06/24 ARRL South Florida Field Day events with Vice Director Joe Tiritilli, N4ZUW " 07/20 - 07/22 ARRL 2nd Board Meeting, Farmington, CT " 08/28 - 09/03 JARL (Tokyo HAMFEST), Tokyo, Japan " 09/04 - 09/11 PTO Regina Galuppi 07/10 PTO Scott Gee 06/29 - 06/30 PTO " 09/15 - 09/18 PTO " 09/22 - 09/25 PTO Jen Glifort 07/05 - 07/07 PTO Perry Green TBD Medical Leave Amanda Grimaldi 07/19 - 07/21 NCVEC Conference, Gettysburg, VA Dan Henderson 06/28 - 06/30 PTO " 07/19 - 07/23 PSC Committee and Board of Directors meetings, HQ " 07/05 PTO " 07/20 - 07/22 ARRL 2nd Board Meeting, Farmington, CT Gail Iannone 08/10 - 08/16 PTO Bob Inderbitzen 06/30 - 07/05 PTO " 07/11 - 07/17 HAM RADIO, Friedrichshafen, Germany " 07/18 PTO " 08/21 - 08/25 PTO Sean Kutzko 06/29 - 07/09 PTO " 07/17 PTO Maryann MacDonald 08/14 - 08/29 PTO Allie McLellan 05/25 - 08/01 On Leave Diane Middleton 06/23 PTO " 06/28 - 06/30 PTO Carla Pereira 07/05 PTO " 07/20 - 07/22 ARRL 2nd Board Meeting, Farmington, CT " 07/31 PTO " 09-05 - 09/08 PTO Diane Petrilli 06/26 - 06/30 PTO " 07/07 PTO " 07/14 PTO " 07/28 PTO " 08/04 - 08/11 PTO " 09/29 PTO John Proctor 06/14 - 06/28 PTO Andy Shefrin 07/10 - 07/14 PTO Becky Shoenfeld 06/23/17 PTO " 07/24 - 07/28 PTO Barry Shelley 06/23 PTO " 06/27 PTO " 07/20 - 07/22 ARRL 2nd Board Meeting, Farmington, CT Jon Siverling 07/19 - 07/29 PTO " 08/18 - 08/23 PTO " 10/06 PTO Maria Somma 07/07 PTO " 07/12 - 07/14 PTO " 07/19 - 07/21 NCVEC Conference, Gettysburg, VA Compiled and Edited by: Carla Pereira, Assistant to CEO