

            June know (ouch) that we just put out another great issue of QST.


 Thanks to everyone for his or her help and assistance.  I have said it before, so please excuse me if I am getting redundant, but it takes the efforts of all of us to put out this magazine every month.


This month we have made some small changes in QST to enhance its readability and appearance.  Coming Conventions, Hamfest Calendar, Contest Corral and Special Events now have a new two color layout that is more consistent and makes it easier for readers to find the information in these areas.  We have also added a little more color to other areas of the magazine to create more visual interest.   


We have an internal committee that meets every two weeks that is working on improving QST.  If you have any ideas for improving the look, feel or content of QST that you would like the group to consider please send them along to Steve Ford and we will review them at our next meeting.


Thanks again for another one out the door and in our members’ mailboxes,





Harold Kramer, WJ1B

Chief Operating Officer

ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio

225 Main Street

Newington, CT 06111

860 594 0220
