Director Norton is asking the correct first question, namely , “ (Is) it in the interest of Amateur Radio and ARRL that WWV and WWVH continue to broadcast time in propagation information ? “. There is a second question that has to be asked. Are these broadcasts necessary to us amateurs or a simply a convenience?

If the time and propagation information and frequency standards are available from other sources, do we really want to spend political capital on fighting this decision? 

I too rely on WWV as a standard occasionally. I do it primarily because listening to the  beat of the tone brings back fond memories of my early days as a ham. Generally I rely on other source for the time and propagation information. Others may use it more extensively and find it necessary.

As Chris notes the real question  is should this be a signature advocacy issue for ARRL?

Jay, K0QB

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 15, 2018, at 12:13 AM, Richard J. Norton <> wrote:

Is it in the interests of Amateur Radio and the ARRL that WWV and WWVH continue to broadcast time and propagation information?

As shown on

and even on 

it looks like there is a significant chance of them shutting down.

There is support among the Amateur Radio community to keep them operating.

I propose we send Congress correspondence indicating our support for maintaining operations.

This might be accomplished using our lobbying firm.


Dick Norton, N6AA

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