Greetings All;

         I have just received a copy of a letter from the UTC to
an amateur in Madison, Wisconsin approving the coordination
for his use of 2200 and 630 meters.  This is the first instance, of
which I am aware,  that an email has been sent from the UTC
in any regard about the process that was started on
September 15th. It is also the first letter of which I am aware
that states the approval for coordination from the UTC for
amateur operation on our new bands; I am sure that there
are many that have arrived today.

          This would indicate that some stations should begin
operation today. While I have been copying several of the
various experimental stations over the past month, tonight
may be the first time I copy an amateur call-sign on 630 meters.
While I did file on September 16th, I personally have not heard
any reply from the UTC about my application as of the close of
business today.

          Here in EN51, I have the 150 foot tower shunt fed with a new
tuner ready to go with a 250 watt solid state transmitter - and
I will be on this coming Tuesday evening should nothing arrive
at the inbox prior to then.

         Gud DX es 73,
                Kermit W9XA