I checked in with one of my local RFI expert (the Oregon OOC, Dave Cole, NK7Z) and he did some research for us.  The following are from him:


It seems the FAA is quiet worried about Solar and airports...  See:




The above may provide a lead on more studies done by the Military, or FAA.


A few others:






These all have references included, which will help as well...


More articles that may be of use:



The above seems to cover what a PV system emits...




Above download the full PDF file.




The references in all of these seem to be a gold mine of studies...





From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org> On Behalf Of Christopher Imlay
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 9:28 AM
To: Richard J. Norton, N6AA <n6aa@arrl.net>
Cc: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@arrl.org>
Subject: [arrl-odv:27239] Re: Fwd: Solar panels


Are there studies that demonstrate that solar panels emit RF noise, or is that something that we would have to create from scratch? 


Kermit's EMC Committee would likely be the proper entity to look into this. It seems to me that existing FCC Part 15 regulations will address the interference obligation, and an education effort by ARRL and perhaps an FCC Public Notice would be good first steps in addressing this. Normally, advocates at FCC in a situation like this would prepare the text of a public notice and ask FCC to release it. 


Chris W3KD


On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 12:02 PM, Richard J. Norton, N6AA <n6aa@arrl.net> wrote:

This is to notify the Board that California has passed a law that requires new housing built after 2020 to have solar panels installed on the roof. 


Hams are afraid that this will be a large source of noise, and are suggesting that the League get involved to minimize future problems.




Dick Norton, N6AA


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <n6cw@san.rr.com>
Date: Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:50 PM
Subject: Solar panels
To: w6ya@cox.net, w6yi@aol.com, jim@long-path.com, w6kh@cox.net, w1uo.cqdx@gmail.com, k6na@cts.com, marko.l.myllymaki@gmail.com, w7bia@cox.net, n6ki@sbcglobal.net, jnprice@pacbell.net, k6am@arrl.net, hlserra@gmail.com
Cc: n6aa@arrl.net

Am I the only one who is alarmed at the recent ruling in California that all new housing being built starting in 2020 will have to have solar panels installed?

It is probably reasonable to assume this will be done on the cheap with crappy components and with no regard or oversight as to the radiation consequences of this action.

While the time frame is tight it would seem prudent for us, local clubs, the ARRL and the FCC to get involved in this to make the installers adhere to a set of rules to prevent radiation.

Anyone have any input on this and suggestions on where to start?



Randy Standke <r55stan@gmail.com>

3:13 PM (17 hours ago)




to n6cww6yaw6yijimw6khw1uo.cqdxk6namarko.l.myllym.w7bian6kijnpricek6amhlserran6aa


While it is true that hams can't tell anyone that having solar power violates FCC laws.  They (or a letter from the FCC) can tell them they need to fix a solar system that is causing interference.  So, for example, if a housing tract gets built with SolarEdge components, SolarEdge will likely be called to do their twisted wires ferrite filter retrofit.  I have seen them do this in about four hours per house and it almost completely eliminates the RFI from that neighbor.

The possibly good news is SolarEdge says they will start using new "optimizers" (these are DC to DC converters) that are clean in about one or two years.  Maybe this will be in time for the 2020 projects.  The bad news is SolarEdge will continue installing their systems using economical ham radio jamming wiring methods (a big loop antenna) until then.  And unfortunately, SolarEdge systems seem to be the most popular now.  As far as I have seen, other brands of solar power on neighbor's roofs don't RFI hams.

By the way, a SolarEdge engineer told me I should find more interesting things to do with my time than help other hams identify RFI caused by SolarEdge systems.  I see his point.  If hams don't know where the RFI is coming from they won't know who to complain to.


Randy KQ6RS



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Christopher D. Imlay

Booth, Freret & Imlay, LLC

14356 Cape May Road

Silver Spring, Maryland 20904-6011

(301) 384-5525 telephone

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