Very good article, Jim and very supportive of ARRL. This is very good how to article about grassroots action. It tells folks what to do to get their congressmen behind a bill. Please take a look and let those working in your division grassroots program know about it. They will find it most helpful. One again CQ has done us a favor. The authors N3IJ and AJ3X are both ARRL members living in MD. Sign them up in the grassroots program, Bill. Frank...N2FF.... Jim Weaver, K8JE wrote:
For you who may not have seen the article, CQ has published a how-to discussion entitled Effective Lobbying In Support of Amateur Radio – Step by Step.
Does anyone know the pedigree of the authors?
//Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director//
//5065 Bethany Rd.////, ////Mason////, ////OH//// ////45040//
//E-mail: k8je@arrl.org <mailto:k8je@arrl.org>; Tel: 513-459-0142//
//ARRL ////Great Lakes//// Division//
//ARRL, the Reason Amateur Radio is!//
//Members, the Reason ARRL is!//