The effective date has not been established, but will be announced at least 30 days in advance.  Most likely it will be more than the standard 30 days after publication of this Report and Order in the Federal Register, however, as the Commission did say:  “As the Commission implements the changes to our application fee schedule, we anticipate that OMD, along with the Bureaus and Offices, may be required to update some of our licensing databases, payment instruction guides and/or adjust administrative internal procedures before we may begin accepting the new fees for certain categories of application fee payors. Accordingly, we direct the Office of Managing Director, in consultation with the relevant Offices and Bureaus, to cause a notice to be published in the Federal Register announcing when rule change(s) will become effective, once the relevant databases, guides, and internal procedures have been updated.”


73,  Dave



From: Mark J Tharp <>
Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at 1:31 PM
To: "" <>
Cc: arrl-odv <>
Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:31565] FCC Adopts $35. Application Fee


Perhaps I missed it but do we have an effective date for this?


Do we have any guidance on how this will be collected, as in are our VE teams going to have to collect and process?


?? Mark, HDX


On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 9:36 AM david <> wrote:



The FCC has adopted its decision in the licensing fees proceeding in record time.  For the amateur and similar services, it lowered its proposed fee to $35.00, finding that this was reasonably based on cost.  Attached is the portion of the decision that addresses amateur application fees in particular.  (Please note that the paragraph and footnote numbers on the excerpt reset, the correction factor is noted in red on the first page;  also,  the entire 100+ page document was released by the FCC this morning without any page numbers…).


The entire documents can be viewed here:


73,  Dave K3ZJ



David R. Siddall

Managing Partner


1629 K St. NW, Ste 300

Washington, DC 20006

direct: +1 202 559 4690


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