All Directors:

The Executive Committee has completed its work on recommended strategies for inclusion in the operational plan for 2012. They are:

B1, Make more content available in multiple media and platforms.

(Including but not limited to introduction and enhancement of digital QST.)

C4, Improve national media and public relations exposure for Amateur Radio public service and emergency communications, not limited to traditional print and broadcast media.

(Bringing PR Field volunteers and emergency communications volunteers into closer cooperation would be one aspect of this.)

E3, Implement procedures to improve organizational efficiency, making the continuous effort to improve efficiency a permanent element of the League's corporate culture.

(In addition to HQ departments working on this, the Field Organization volunteers might be asked to suggest ways in which their operations could be made more efficient. The objective is to constantly seek and implement ways of serving members better with the resources available to us.)

F4, Identify non-traditional routes of entry into Amateur Radio and develop effective uses of this information.

(By "non-traditional routes" we mean other avocations for which ham radio would be a logical add-on, but there may be other non-traditional routes as well.)

While these recommended strategies are drawn from the Strategic Plan adopted by the Board in 2009, they have been somewhat rephrased for clarity.

At its October 1 meeting the Executive Committee will be discussing how to reboot our strategic planning process. Several suggestions of how to do so already have been heard; anyone with additional ideas to share is encouraged to do so in the next two weeks.

In the meantime, Directors are asked to cast their votes on the following resolution: "Resolved, that the recommendations of the Executive Committee of strategies for implementation in 2012 are adopted."

If at all possible, please let me have your vote by next Wednesday, September 21.


David Sumner, K1ZZ

Secretary, ARRL