

Your item #2 is incorrect. The minutes of the last meeting were not read and approved. The decision was to pass this off until the next meeting of the committee since several of us had not seen the last minutes.



Ed B. Hudgens, P. E., Ret.

Emergency Coordinator – Williamson County – WCARES

Vice Director, Delta Division ARRL

Net Manager - ARRL Delta Div. Emergency Net

1441 Wexford Downs Lane

Nashville, TN,  37211

C – 615-630-2753




From: arrl-odv <> On Behalf Of Pereira, Carla, KC1HSX
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 4:28 PM
To: arrl-odv <>
Subject: [arrl-odv:31973] Revised Final Draft Board Meeting Minutes


To Officers, Directors and Vice Directors:


Attached is the revised final draft of the minutes from the 2021 Annual Board Meeting for your consideration. All edits have been incorporated through today, February 10, 2021.


This message then, as per Standing Order 11-2.28, is the call for a vote from the Directors to approve the minutes as corrected (Yea or Nay). A simple majority of the Board is required for approval.


If approved, we will then:


            *Post the minutes on-line to the ARRL web site

            *Distribute a copy to each member who has opted to receive the minutes via e-mail


If, for some reason, the Minutes are not approved, we will revise and resubmit them for another vote to approve. If you vote not to approve the minutes, please provide an explanation or submit recommended edits.


Please respond by 5:00 PM ET this Friday,  February 12.



Carla Pereira, KC1HSX




Carla Pereira, KC1HSX

Executive Manager


Newington, CT 06111
