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Upcoming Meetings and Events Annual Board Meeting January 19-20, 2007 in Windsor, CT Development After several strong days of returns (topped by the receipts of 12/5 totaling $17,220) the Spectrum Defense campaign has reached $136,556 from 2648 donors, yielding a solid average contribution of $51.57. Returns from major donors and major prospects are beginning to arrive. A follow up piece on the web and in the ARRL Letter is planned for the coming week. CDO Hobart attended a productive Department of Homeland Security Grants & Training conference in Washington DC last week. At the gathering of more than 1000 attendees from across the country, Hobart participated in two panels on citizen preparedness and participation. Several hams were in attendance and made themselves known, while others acknowledged the key role that Amateur Radio plays in their state and local preparedness plans. The best news is that there is an open competition for national affiliates of DHS/Citizen Corps of which ARRL is one. Guidelines are expected by year end with expectations that proposal will be due during the first quarter of 2007. During the week, CDO Hobart had lunch with Laura Buckley, Grants Officer at the National Science Foundation (NSF). Thanks to Lisa Kustosik for orchestrating this key contact with her aunt. The lunch produced helpful information about the grant process and helpful comments of ARRL's successful experience with federal funding, healthy financial position and concepts for proposals regarding science and technology education for K - 12. NSF is the lead agency for the federal No Child Left Behind Act and provides significant funding to one if its primary interests - K - 12 education. Both of these opportunities will be highly competitive and require cross departmental support for grant management and execution if an award is granted. Holiday greetings and 2007 ARRL calendars have been mailed to 400 major donors. Media & Public Relations Skywarn Appreciation Day media release templates were again provided and published for PIOs. The Dec 29-30 Hello event work continues. We now have regional coverage on the Today Show (but not national feeds - yet). Both CBS and GMA are asking for more information. Other local media are also being contacted as clubs and PIOs make plans. Information continues to be posted to HYPERLINK www.hello-radio.org/event www.hello-radio.org/event. The EmComm brochure for 2007 (DARA funded) is in final revisions. The 3:40 Hello video is playing on many cable stations and the initial EmComm video (2-4 min) is expected finished by next week, while the longer full program is on track for January. A PR forum was done at West Central Florida's convention and more discussions held in linking PIOs closer with ARES to increase timely distribution of ARES' role information to media in emergencies. Further clarification (requested by PR early last month) was received from the ARC regarding their background checks and this has been passed on for consideration and review before any comments are made. Production/Editorial Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 25, No. 47, distributed to 64,597 members on December 1. Rick prepared/edited these news items: FCC fixes error in Omnibus R&O; exam question pools brought into line with new rules; Belgian primary schoolers speak with ISS via ham radio; first of two Lakshadweep DXpeditions gets under way; Discovery to launch with three radio amateurs aboard; ARRL seeks data on emergency communication vehicles, and several news briefs and announcements. Khrystyne Keane and Joel Kleinman also contributed news items. With on-site technical assistance from Jon Bloom, Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for December 1. Sales and Marketing Product Sales Update November product sales were $254,576; $51,800 below plan a shortfall largely attributed to the license restructuring assumption included in the 2006 budget, and lower-than-predicted sales of the ARRL Handbook. Sales did, however, meet 99% of the mid-year reforecast goal. Sales of The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual continue to exceed plan. The winter edition publication and product catalog has been completed, and is being printed for release in early January. Membership Update A much-improved membership letter and new membership card (plastic) has been designed. Among the objectives of this project is to help increase perceived value in membership, to give members a card they can be proud to display (their call sign will be displayed dominantly on the card), and to expand the use of this mailing to highlight benefits, special promotions and other organizational messaging. We eagerly anticipate implementation in January 2007. The membership mailing to 50,000 lapsed General, Advanced and Extra class licensees mailed just over one month ago has enjoyed a 2% return with 1,019 applications. Another mailing, this one to lapsed-member Technicians, will mail 12/6. The solicitation includes a feature about ARRL e-newsletters as a popular benefit. Circulation and Fulfillment Update The days following the Thanksgiving holiday saw some rather impressive publication and product fulfillment levels -- (over 500 shipments/day). January QST will mail 12/5 thru 12/11. Business Services An email solicitation for February QST has been sent to advertisers and we are in the process of making follow-up calls. Regretfully, despite our best efforts, Alinco has decided to cut back on the level of their advertising so we will be working to fill their upfront position with another advertiser. The spot has been offered (in return for an increased advertising commitment) to several major manufacturers. An email solicitation was also sent to ARRL advertisers for advertising spots on QEX covers. All the spots have now been filled for multiple issue commitments and Kenwood plans a two-page centerfold spread in the March/April 2007 issue as well as procuring the back cover. Membership Services Awards Branch CategoryProcessedWAS Certificate (Manual)1WAS Certificate (LoTW)35Band WAS (LoTW)1A-1 Op Nominations8A-1 Op Certificates7VUCC Initial apps/Grids1/100VUCC Endorsement/Grids1/30Awards Charges9Awards Mailed17Processing Time2 Weeks DXCC Branch CategoryProcessedBeginning Credits24,202Credits Received5,047Credits Processed12,126Ending Credits17,123YTD Credits Received518,065YTD Applications Received4,802YTD Credits Returned575,567Applications Pending285Processing Time4.4 WeeksDXCC is currently entering credits received on November 21, 2006. DXCC is currently mailing applications received on November 2, 2006. Contest Branch During the week, staff continued processing the International DX Plaque order, readied incoming paper logs for the EME and the November Sweepstakes contests for processing, compiled necessary information for the SS mug and pin orders, received the final scores database for the IARU contest, and fielded several questions on this weekends 160 Meter contest and the upcoming 10 Meter contest. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system113,801,212QSL records have resulted 6,890,545Logs Processed295,146Active Certificates21,555Users registered in the system14,247Hybrids Pending Mail85 QSL Branch There is no delay in opening mail and a 2 day delay in slotting of cards. This week, 72 pounds of cards were received from members. 75,950 cards were shipped this past week. To date, 937,475 cards have been shipped. W1AW On Tuesday, Andrew Toth (of XX Towers, Inc.) made a quick visit to W1AW to reorient the upper-rotateable 40-meter antenna. This antenna had spun slightly on the mast in a windstorm a few weeks back. Joe created the Qualifying Run texts for the W1AW December Runs. He processed four (4) Qualifying Run certificates. Joe also renumbered (and rewired/replaced RJ-45 connectors where needed) the LAN connections from all the stations various PCs into the station's LAN hub. He also conducted a WinDRM on-the-air test with Mel Whitten, K0PFX in preparation for the digital audio broadcasts that may take place during the Hello operating event later this month. Joe also made two log updates to LoTW. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the middle of the month of December. He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots. Field & Educational Services Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona Adams began the week updating the Siebel database with new appointments, changes and cancellations. She also generated the Field Organization Appointment Report and sent the reports to each SM via email. She received two SM nomination petitions for the same person, Roberto Jimenez, KP4AC for the Puerto Rico section and one from Dwayne Allen, WY7FD of the Wyoming section. We are still waiting to hear from the Iowa section, our deadline to receive all SM nomination petitions is Friday, December 8th, by 4 p.m. She also sent out first signer letters in receipt of those SM nomination petitions that have been received for this term. Leona sent out 5 OO test packages to recommended applicants this week as well. We also received some sad news from SM, Ann Rinehart, KA8ZGY that Olie Rinehart, WD8V became a SK as of November 25, 2006 after a long illness. The FCC is checking on a report of a carrier on 1833 from the West Coast. Several reports of OTHR on 75 meters as well as one on 40 meters was received this week from West Coast stations, thought to be originating from the far east. Documentation was received following an FCC monitoring request for a 75 meter frequency and investigation continues. Chuck Skolaut received word from the Wisconsin Section Manager that he was able to work out a resolution to an unusual interference problem on 20 meters that was interfering with a net. ARISS PR: Some of the successes of the ARISS Russian Team with the Shadow (plasma) Experiment are reported at the Web site HYPERLINK "http://www.issfanclub.com/" http://www.issfanclub.com/ Space Adventures, the company that arranges for visits to the ISS, will add information about ARISS to its Web site. At the Mannheim Museum (Germany) QSO, 200 students took part, and former ESA astronaut Ernst Messerschmid, DG2KM, spoke to them. Centre Hastings Secondary School had 800 people listening to its QSO, including a Canadian Parliament member, an Ontario Provincial Parliament member, and the school district superintendent. More and more people are listening to streamed audio on the Internet of our QSOs; 26 people checked into the Hastings QSO. For ARRL Members: Mikhail Tyurin, RZ3FT, has been making voice QSOs. The ARISS Team spoke to Space Traveler Charles Simonyi on why he needs to get licensed instead of using the RS0ISS club call sign without getting a license. ARISS Effect on Schools: A ham wrote to say hes establishing an amateur radio station at a girls high school in Australia, and is setting up a Web site for students and teachers to access information about ARISS and other items. After a special telecon with the Johnson Space Center Education Office reps, they and Rosalie sent items to aid a volunteer in developing lesson plans for SuitSat-2. ARISS News Update: The US ARISS Team is studying NASAs Strategic Communications plan for its possible impact on ARISS. International Aspects: Rosalie took part in debrief of Anousheh Ansari, who really enjoyed ARISS QSOs with students, and has since met a few of them in person. She reported that during her second general QSO with an Iranian, he brought students to the station to hear her. She wants to develop an education program about space exploration, including ARISS, for 5-13 year olds, and said educational QSOs are science reality for kids. She plans to meet with Rosalies contact person in Dallas in order to study for a license. Field & Education Team Hamfest & ConventionsHamfestsHamfest Apps. Sent to Division Director for Approval6Hamfest Approval Letters Sent to Event Sponsor10Handouts & Door Prize Material Orders Processed0Label Requests for Upcoming Events0Conventions Convention Apps. Sent to Division Director for Approval1Convention Approval Letters Sent to Event Sponsor2Convention Apps. Sent to the EC for Approval10EC Convention Approval Letters Sent to Event Sponsor0Clubs New Club Apps. Reviewed2Acknowledgement Letters Sent to Club Officials0New Club Apps. Sent to Directors and SMs for Approval0New Club Apps. Sent to the EC for Approval19EC Approval Letters Sent to Newly-Affiliated Clubs0Charter of Affiliation Certs. Sent to Newly-Affiliated Clubs0Newly-Affiliated Clubs Entered into Siebel0New SSC Apps. sent to Director, SM, & ACC for Approval0SSC Approval Letter Sent to Club Official0SSC Certificate Sent to Newly-Designated SSC Club0 Clubs & MentorsClubsClub Updates28Club assistance and histories Below 51% notification SSC SSC sent to ACC SSC Certificates 7 letters sent20Instructors Instructor Reg13Teachers Teacher Reg Materials & Brochures Class Materials Graduation Kits1Exhibit Kits/ brochure requests5Scouting Kits1Label Requests Filled Sales Orders Processed1Public Service Reports Regulatory Information Working with the EVP, ARRL Counsel, and N1RL we got notification of the release of the expected erratum correcting the J2D problem in 04-140. We also worked with Counsel and Bill Cross at the FCC to clarify and correct a conflict in 04-140 which was inconsistent with the just released FCC regulations establishing their Homeland Security Division. These related to the process for getting an emergency communications declaration issued (removed from Part 97 to a different part of the rules, but that still relied on Part 97.401 from which they were removed for its authorization power. We also worked out with Counsel and the FCC Enforcement Bureau out interpretation of the need for certification of amplifier kits. It is clear in the new rules that certification is not necessary when an amplifier is built by an amateur for use in an amateur station. If an amplifier is being built by a non-amateur or for use in a non-amateur station, then the issue needs to be decided by the FCCs OET. With the approaching effective date of the rules changes in 04-140, we have worked with Jon Bloom to revise and have ready an updated version of Part 97 to be available on the ARRL Web. We have also included some minor corrections from previous R&Os that were not showing on the current version on our website. The new version of Part 97, as well as the new Frequency Allocation chart is ready to go live at 12:01 AM on December 15. (Special thanks to Jon, Dave Pingree, and Joel Kleinman for working on this and identifying places changes need to be made). We had three separate reports of amateur radio interference in Putnum, CT, which turned out to be a CBer using excessive power. I worked with the people complaining to determine what information they would need to gather before taking the complaint to the FCC for consideration. Also the Pacific Section Manager inquired about getting the ARRL to petition the FCC to more closely align FCC Region 3 allocations with other countrys allocations in Region 3. There were also the usual emails and phone calls on reciprocal licensing and travel-related questions, license renewal issues and one query on CC&Rs in Hiram, GA (which was relayed to the GA Section Manager who has gotten a volunteer to speak with the elderly member to try and help them work with the HOA involved.) Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer There has been a steady stream of requests for the CPO plans mentioned in the December Kids Day article. The plan to have a teachers institute in Spokane WA are in the preliminary stages. There have been suggestions for TIs at other locations around the country including a return to the Liberty Science Center. The current strategy is to attempt to spread the TIs around various regions to give equitable access to interested teachers. Work continues on building activity boards for next years TIs, current work is on completing the modulation demonstration board. A satellite tracking interface has been supplied to a school which will be accomplishing a crew pick ARISS contact over the holidays. Now that the technician class instructors manual is available for purchase, I have terminated supplying the materials on CD and will refer future requests for the material to the book store. Volunteer Examiner Coordinator A VE Express Newsletter was emailed on December 1 to more than 5,000 subscribers. To view the current VE Newsletter or to view previous editions visit the "ARRL VEC News Briefs, Announcements, Newsletters" web page at HYPERLINK "http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/announcements.html" \o "http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/announcements.html" http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/announcements.html. The NCVEC Question Pool Committee has detected 24 questions impacted by the 04-140 Report and Order rule changes. As a result, the questions must be removed from the pools and the exams by December 15, the day the R&O goes into effect. Seven of our Test Booklet Designs (8 questions) are affected by the 04-140 rule changes. The VEC will not be replacing any of our test booklets affected by the WT 04-140 rule changes. We will, instead, be using stickers to substitute in alternate questions. The stickers will contain valid questions (pulled from the existing question pools) to place in the test booklets to cover up the deleted questions. Packages were mailed out on Dec 4 via first class to nearly 900 ARRL VEC volunteer examiner teams that have been formally field stocked with test materials. The packages contain updates regarding the 04-140 Report & Order, 3 œ pages of stickers that the teams will use to repair (patch) their field stocked supplied test booklets, easy to follow instructions for ExamWin software updates and other pertinent information. Volunteer examiner teams using ExamWin software just have to update their "LOCKED.OUT" file to include the 24 deleted questions. VE Patch sales are up an incredible 306% over same period last year. Thanks to Diane Szlachetka for designing our attention grabbing ad which appears on page 128 in the December QST. ARRL VEC Stats January 1 through November 30, 2006. 4,996 Test Sessions held 24,716 Candidates served30,183 Exam elements taken (20,955 passed = 69% pass rate) 1,070 New VEs accredited17,307 New and Upgrade License application forms transmitted to FCC 6,219 License Renewals and Changes transmitted to FCC (1,476 were Vanity license renewals) 994 Club License application forms transmitted to FCC (159 were Club Vanity license renewals) 5,025VE Newsletter Subscribers 49Donations collected by VEC Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 12/25 Holiday Zoe Belliveau 12/11 Vacation `` 12/28-12/29 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 12/19 Vacation `` 12/26 Vacation Steve Ford 12/25-1/2 Vacation Scott Gee 12/11-12/12 Vacation `` 12/22-12/26 Vacation Joel Hallas 12/19 Jury Duty `` 12/26-12/29 Vacation Mary Hobart 12/15 Washington DC luncheon Tom Hogerty 12/26-12/29 Vacation Amy Hurtado 12/8 Vacation `` 12/21-12/22 Vacation `` 12/27 Vacation Gail Iannone 12/26-12/29 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 12/6-12/8 Natl Convention Planning, Huntsville AL Lisa Kustosik 12/7 Vacation `` 12/26 Vacation Mindy Lajoie 12/26-12/27 Vacation `` 1/2 Vacation Rick Lindquist 12/26-12/29 Vacation Wayne Mills 12/27-1/3 Vacation Bill Moore 12/7 Jury Duty `` 12/22-1/2 Vacation Cathy Stepina 12/15 Vacation Sharon Taratula 12/19pm Vacation `` 12/28-12/29 Vacation Mike Tracy 12/15 Vacation `` 12/22 Vacation `` 12/26-12/29 Vacation !+IR_`abcl©¹º»Ç&'¥ŠÊ÷ìâÛÔâÆÔâÛÔÛ⟳Û⬣¬tog\M\jh9h9CJUaJh9h9CJaJh9h95 h95h£Zjh£ZjCJaJh£Zjh£Zj5h£ZjCJaJh9hŸjCJaJh=>*CJ\h=5CJ\ h=CJ\hXEh=CJaJh=CJaJhXEh=5CJ\aJh"n5\h=5\hXEh=5\h2'h=CJaJhXEh=5 !abc¹º»ÇÈ2 3 ÔÕ!"»Œ ÷òòòòòòòòòòòííääääääääääää 7$8$H$gd£Zjgdu2;gd=$a$gd=?Wþ '(yz{+,-ABW±²,-? 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