Vol. 26, No. 25
June 26, 2003
Upcoming Meetings
July 18–19, 2003 in Windsor, CT
Board Meeting
Development attended the ARRL National Convention at Ham Com in Dallas, participating in the special forum for the signing of the SoA with the Department of Homeland Defense.
Development has reforecast revenue and expenses for the balance of 2003.
Even though the Spectrum Defense special campaign for BPL is just mailing this week, 14 contributions have come in via the Web with a strong average contribution of $69 each. The expectations for this special campaign are for a 4% response rate and an average contribution of $45 -- in line with results from other Defense campaigns. Follow up mailings are under consideration using postcards to point members and prospects to the ARRL website for up to date information on the BPL issue and to make contributions. The campaign for contributions has been coordinated with the Circulation Department. Both departments are requesting memberships and contributions in a variety of offers to lapsed and never members.
The special campaign for WRC-03 has raised nearly $35,000 from 771 donors.
The Diamond Club is growing, thanks to two recent mailings to Life Members and to the large prospect database Development has built over the past several months. Donors to the Diamond Club now number 680 and an average contribution of $144. We have already received a couple of renewals and one upgrade. The renewal of DC donors will begin in earnest in July, thanks to help from of John Proctor and Kathy Capodicasa. The renewal offer will include a gift -- a new ARRL license plate frame -- for donors who increase their contributions. The frame is black with white lettering with the copy "When All Else Fails..." on the top and "Amateur Radio" on the bottom. Frames will also be sold by pub sales.
The Education & Technology Campaign continues to lag behind expectations, raising $77,000 in 2003.
Progress reports on the two UTC grants (CT and National) were submitted on schedule by June 20.
Planning has begun for the next issue of the Legacy Circle Letter, ARRL's planned giving newsletter that is mailed to Legacy Circle members and prospects.
Media Relations
Media interest in Field Day has been heating up during the last week. So far, Jennifer has done interviews with the Detroit Free Press, Wireless Flash News Service, the Newport (VT) Daily Express, Newhouse News Service, The Hartford (CT) Courant and The Herald (New Britain, CT). Several of these media outlets called in response to a national press release distributed via PR Newswire.
The Newhouse News Service reporter began with the Field Day angle, but also got interested in the Statement of Affiliation signed with the Department of Homeland Security during Ham-Com. Jennifer provided the reporter with contacts in New York City, Texas and California who could talk about emergency response efforts. The reporter also interviewed President Haynie. More information on this news service can be found at
Jennifer received a call from Wiley Publishing Company, the publication house that puts out the “for dummies” books. They wanted to find an author who could possibly write “Ham Radio for Dummies,” and Mark Wilson suggested ARRL Contributing Editor Ward Silver, N0AX. Ward jumped at the opportunity and has been in touch with the contact at Wiley.
The PR forum at Ham-Com went over very well, and while the audience was smaller than we normally see in Dayton, all those attending had a sincere interest in the program. North Texas PIO Tim Lewallen, KD5ING, did an excellent job talking about his role with publicity during the shuttle Columbia recovery effort earlier this year. Thanks go to PR Committee members Rich Moseson, W2VU, and Chairman Jeff Reinhardt, AA6JR (who drove from Los Angeles to attend the show), for their participation in the forum. Also during Ham-Com, Jennifer, Jeff, Rich and PRC Board Liaison David Woolweaver met with President Haynie to discuss several committee-related items.
Just prior to Ham-Com, Jennifer followed up with all local Dallas media outlets that received the advisory about the SoA signing with DHS on Saturday. A photographer from the Dallas Morning News attended the event, and President Haynie was interviewed by the local FOX television affiliate. The Star-Telegram in Arlington covered the convention and the signing. The CBS television affiliate in Fort Worth reports that it is still interested in doing a story on the signing, and ARRL’s new relationship with DHS and Citizen Corps.
The August issue of QST and the 4th printing of The Radio Amateur's Satellite Handbook have been released to the printer.
Dave Hassler prepared the “ARRL in Action” column for the August issue of QST, and edited and prepared five features for publication on the ARRL Web.
Rick Lindquist--with primary assistance from Ed Hare--completed the 60 meter "FAQ" article for publication on the ARRL Web and in the August issue of QST. John Hennessee and Dave Hassler also contributed to this team effort. Rick also edited, provided photos/captions for and posted the "Understanding the FCC's Broadband Over Power Line (BPL) Notice of Inquiry"--drafted by Ed Hare and Chris Imlay; edited "Youth@HamRadio.Fun" by new Web contributing editor Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM (age 14); compiled and edited "Happenings" for August QST, The ARRL Letter, which distributed to 65,888 members on June 20, along with other news stories. Rick also attended Ham-Com/ARRL 2003 National Convention in Dallas June 20-22, to cover the signing of the Statement of Affiliation between ARRL and the Department of Homeland Security (among other stories).
Brennan Price prepared the August QST “Product Review” column and is working on the September installment.
Bob Schetgen prepared the August QST “World Above 50 MHz” and “Hints & Kinks” columns.
Sales & Marketing
Kathy Capodicasa, Danny Sayad and Bob Inderbitzen traveled to the ARRL National Convention/Ham-Com in Arlington, Texas to setup and staff the ARRL's exhibit. All three promoted membership heavily, yielding some great results. Over $11,400 was taken in memberships and supply items. Membership did very well, with 164 Term Memberships totaling $5,899. A breakdown follows: 52 new members; 34 lapsed members and 78 renewals. In addition, pledges were taken for 4 life memberships (making their first payment at the event) and one fully paid life membership. Nearly 3,500 commemorative pins were handed out to convention attendees.
Special thanks go to the following individuals for their help at the exhibit throughout the convention: Joe Bottiglieri, Dan Miller, Rick Lindquist, Mary Hobart, Jennifer Hagy, Wayne Mills, Dennis Motschenbacher, West Gulf Director Coy Day and the rest of the directors, officers and field leadership.
Bob drafted house ads for the new edition of The ARRL FCC Rule Book and the ARRL Amateur Radio Map of North America. Both products will be available soon, and will be introduced in August QST. Complete product details can be found on the ARRLWeb catalog:
ARRL Amateur Radio Map of North America <>
The ARRL FCC Rule Book--13th Edition <>
The Advertising team struggled to contact those advertisers who were attending the National Convention at the same time ad material for QST was due. Despite our best efforts, we had also had some unexpected late cancellations from advertisers opting out of the August issue. Several advertisers, who had been consistently running the same advertisements for quite some time, cited the need to put new ads together.
Deb Jahnke sent proposals to two advertisers for specialty QST projects.
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAS QSL Cards Checked 400
WAS Certificates (300 F/C) 6
5-BWAS Certs. (500 QSLs ES/C) 2
5-BWAS Certs. (500 QSLs F/C) 2
WAC QSL Cards Checked 90
WAC End. (6 QSLs ES/C) 1
L/T Member Inquiries 18
A-1 Operator Noms. 2
A-1 Operator Certs. 6
Extra Class Certs. 9
Awards Mailed 30
Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks. For the coming week—U.S. WAC, Code Proficiency, and VUCC awards, order plates for 5-BWAS plaques, and try again to complete filing chores associated with all LTMA correspondence from this year to date.
2002 November Phone Sweepstakes certificates were printed and prepared for mailing. The January VHF Sweepstakes web results article was edited and sent to Web Services. The QST version was edited and finalized. Numerous Field Day requests and questions continue to be handled. 2002 Sweepstakes plaque plates arrived and shipping began. Backordered DX plaques arrived and shipping began.
DXCC Branch
Weekly Report
June 22, 2003
Beginning Cards 92,958
Cards Received 6,266
Cards Processed 13,120
Ending Cards 86,104
Applications Pending 681
Processing Time 7.3 Weeks
Year-to-date (2003)
Cards Received 246,594
Cards Returned 367,224
QRPs Issued this week 0
QRPs Issued total 296
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on May 2, 2003. DXCC is currently entering cards received on May 15, 2003.
QSL Bureau
QSL Service Status: Current. Cards mailed as of 06/22/03: 681,400. No cards were mailed this week. Heather Dzamba spent 4 hours conducting tours around HQ.
Mark Spencer, WA8SME, was on hand over the weekend to operate W1AW in the Kid’s Day event. He, along with Andy, AB1BA (a member of Dan Miller’s CARLY group) made over 85 contacts with both US and DX stations.
Joe updated the web code practice files. He also tracked down some other problems associated with the Harris 160-meter amplifier. He processed regular W1AW QSL card requests and created the texts for the July W1AW Qualifying Runs. Joe also began preparing the station’s logging system for Field Day.
Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the latter part of the month of June and early July. He has begun initial testing of the Elecraft main radio. The K2 options will be assembled soon. Scott also handled some evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot.
W1AW Telephone Sales year to date (2003): $12,793.
Field & Educational Services
Rosalie brought agenda items to an ARISS international teleconference meeting, and afterwards, handled follow-up action items. She prepared a talk for the upcoming ARRL San Francisco Section Convention. She corresponded with a FEMA rep and a rep from the NWS about shared interests.
Field & Educational Support Team
Mary Lau made changes to the "Welcome to Amateur Radio" page on ARRL Web and thanks Tom Hogerty for his assistance. She also reviewed two additional submissions for our Multimedia Project. Staff review of submissions to date will follow right after the July Board Meeting.
Margie Bourgoin sent out welcome packets and certificates for 4 new affiliated clubs. She handled one new SSC renewal and one new club application, which was sent out for Director approval. Thanks go to Tom for his placing the new Active Club Online Primer on a beta page for further work by Margie.
Jean Wolfgang has received final award rating sheets from our Educational Advisors. Duplicate copies have been made of the top choices for each award and sent to the VRC. Jean is also working on making the new version of ExamWin available to Registered Instructors and Teachers.
Linda Mullally updated 33 clubs, with 1 reactivation and registered 6 Instructors and 1 Teacher. Linda also sent out 14 Exhibit kits, 1 JOTA Kit, and 43 supply packages for new appointments.
Gail Iannone sent 7 hamfest and 3 convention approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Directors’ approval of the events to be “ARRL-sanctioned”, processed 5 label requests, 16 door prize orders, and coordinated travel for Dan Miller, K3UFG, to be the HQ rep at the Alabama Section Convention to be held August 16-17, 2003 in Huntsville.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Leona Adams reports that on the recommendation of Director Weaver, Vice Director Mondro and SM Kirkbride, Dale Williams, WA8EFK has been appointed as the new SM for the Michigan section. Ms. Kirkbride resigned as Section Manager citing health reasons. Leona also entered expenses into the monthly Section budget reports.
EmComm Grants
Dan Miller headed to Arlington, TX to present the 4-hour ARECC Seminar on Friday and a CCE Program Forum on Saturday at the ARRL National Convention.
Howard Robins notes that new course development is slowly progressing. Refining the information posted on the web is also coming along. Antenna Modeling continues to be our most popular technical course.
Regulatory Information
John assisted Rick Lindquist and Ed Hare as they wrote a frequently asked question primer on the 60 meter allocation. Dave Hassler also assisted. John received many regulatory questions on 60 meters at the start of the week, but by the time the FAQ was put on the Web crawl and on the regulatory page later in the week, questions on 60 meters were down to a trickle! As new questions arise, they will be added to the FAQ. John also assisted amateurs with local government zoning questions in San Jose, CA (N6KJ) and Tempe, AZ (W7LBN) and with covenant restriction questions in Paradise Lake, FL (WB2HVN), Reno, NV (W7LWI) and Manchester, MI (KG8LD).
Chuck Skolaut had an enjoyable visit with Martin Potter and his wife from Ontario. Martin is the IARU Region 2 coordinator and they corresponded frequently comparing intruder reports. Chuck received and processed three Official Observer exams, two passing and one requiring a retest. Leona and Chuck have noted an increased interest in applying to become OOs after the recent article in QST. Chuck received complaints concerning 2-meter repeaters in the St Louis and Sacramento areas as well as radar type interference to the CW portion of 20 meters.
Amateur Radio Education & Technology Project
Mark Spencer reports having made major strides in Curriculum Development. He has participated in ARISS teleconferences this week and is quickly learning names and acronyms. There has been some modest feedback on his intended operation of W1AW for Kids Day. The operation has been advertised on the Big Project and Kids Day reflectors.
Mark Wilson, K1RO
Chief Operating Officer
MW: lk
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 7/4 Holiday
Dave Sumner 6/3-7/6 WRC 2003, Geneva
Mary Hobart 6/20-6/22 HamCom/ARRL Nat’l Convention
Jennifer Hagy 6/20-6/22 HamCom/ARRL Nat’l Convention
`` 7/7-7/11 Vacation
`` 7/18-7/22 Vacation
Rick Lindquist 6/27 Vacation
Jon Bloom 6/13-7/7 Vacation
Monique Levesque 6/30-7/3 Vacation
Kristy Perillo 7/7-7/18 Vacation
AnnMarie Pinto 6/26-7/8 Vacation
Bob Inderbitzen 6/24-7/1 Friedrichshafen, Germany
`` 7/2 Vacation
Dennis Motschenbacher 6/24-7/1 Friedrichshafen, Germany
Debra Jahnke 6/30-7/3 Vacation
Wayne Mills 6/25–6/30 Friedrichshafen, Germany
Jean Wolfgang 6/30-7/1 Vacation
Scott Gee 6/27 Vacation
Joe Carcia 6/30-7/3 Vacation
Kathy Allison 6/30-7/3 Vacation
Dan Miller 7/2-7/3 Vacation
`` 7/10-7/13 SE Div Convention, Gainesville, GA
`` 7/14-7/16 Vacation
`` 7/25-7/27 Ft. Tuthill, AZ Hamfest
`` 7/28-7/30 Vacation
Brennan Price 7/7 – 7/11 Vacation