
No, it's been mulling in my "PSC Chair" head since you sent it!

The issue is how to implement the Radiogram bonuses, as all current VOTA scoring is done via automated LoTW entries. There is very little human intervention required, it's all handled by the servers at HQ. 

What you suggest adds another level of complexity, and more work for HQ in handling the admin side of things to manually input the "bonuses".  Plus the ODV members and SMs would have to send the information to HQ when they get a Radiogram sent to them. That might prove to be somewhat of a burden on not only staff, but ODV members that are on the air a lot throughout the year.  (We are, after all, in the midst of contest season!) 

We need to have short PSC meeting soon to discuss the proposed point scoring for FD anyway, we can get Bart's and Bob's spin on your suggestion then. 

On 01/31/2023 1:41 PM Phil Temples <> wrote:

Crickets ... I gather that no one else thinks this is a good idea? ;-)


On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 8:39 PM Phil Temples <> wrote:
You know—it might not be a bad idea to add a "bonus" into the VOTA scoring, where stations can earn an additional 50 points after contacting a director, vice director, or section manager by sending him or her a follow up radiogram message. 

(I mention these officers specifically because our addresses, email addresses and phone numbers are published in QST.) 

Phil, K9HI

On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 8:02 PM Michael Ritz <> wrote:
I received an ARRL Radiogram in the mail today, the first I've seen in many, many  years. It was originated from a ham I worked in FL on my big VOTA weekend, then went through a ham in ID, who mailed me the Radiogram postcard. The originator basically thanked me for my VOTA contact, and his points. 

Thanks to the ECS-FS subcommittee that is working hard to restore NTS. Something seems to be working! 

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Phil Temples <>

Phil Temples <>
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