It is clear from comments made in the "memos", etc. sent to
the Board and from comments each of you has made that the
removal and elimination of the Vice Directors has been underway
since March or April of last year.
In order for the Board to properly evaluate the validity and
integrity of the assertions and allegations on which you base
the "necessity" of eliminating the Vice Directors, please
provide to the entire Board — Directors and Vice Directors — all
communications, including, but not limited to: memorandums,
letters and emails — between the ARRL, Day Pitney, Imlay,
Bellows, Roderick, Gallagher and any other member of the Board
that address or discuss the Vice Directors, their removal, their
"legal" status and the strategy for the removal of the Vice
Directors for the time period from March 1, 2016 to date. This
request specifically includes the "March 4, 2017 Memo"
referenced in Day Pitney's March 17, 2017 "Memorandum".
All of this information needs to supplied before the first
scheduled "webinar." If it is too voluminous to be sent via
email to the ODV, then it should be posted to the website so
that each Director and Vice Director can download the files.