Sorry, I typo’ed Gary’s name the first time.





Louisiana SM Gary Stratton, K5GLS gave me permission to share his thoughts on the guidelines, and I’m pleased to do so.


Dave K1ZZ



From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 12:15 PM
To: 'Gary Stratton K5GLS'
Subject: RE: ARRL guidelines on the appropriate use of Amateur Radio


Thanks, Gary. I’m sure there will be some negative comments, particularly from people who either don’t like the existing rules or who want greater certainty than the ARRL (not being the regulatory agency) can offer.


I know the ad hoc committee members and the Board will appreciate your comments and I will be happy to share them.



Dave K1ZZ



From: Gary Stratton K5GLS []
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 12:04 PM
To: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
Subject: ARRL guidelines on the appropriate use of Amateur Radio


Dave K1ZZ:


Though I know that you and the committee will receive remarks to the contrary, this is a good piece of work.  It gives us the necessary guidelines to answer questions from the Field Organization, members and non-members concerning operation of some of the Amateur emergency response systems already in place and those in the planning stages (as unpopular as some of the answers may be).


It also gives justification for the relationships that should be fostered between Emergency Management, relief organizations and ARES/RACES/independent groups.  The organizations that I feared most for inappropriate use of Amateur Radio were those governmental entities that tend to commandeer resources under imagined or manufactured governmental power.


My thanks to the committee for saying the things that needed to be said and my apologies for the remarks from my peers who just don’t seem to get it.  In my humble opinion, the rules should stand as written.  Further FCC requests for interpretation would be inappropriate.


Feel free to use this email as you see fit.



Gary Stratton K5GLS

Louisiana SM