Crickets ... I gather that no one else thinks this is a good idea? ;-)


On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 8:39 PM Phil Temples <> wrote:
You know—it might not be a bad idea to add a "bonus" into the VOTA scoring, where stations can earn an additional 50 points after contacting a director, vice director, or section manager by sending him or her a follow up radiogram message. 

(I mention these officers specifically because our addresses, email addresses and phone numbers are published in QST.) 

Phil, K9HI

On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 8:02 PM Michael Ritz <> wrote:
I received an ARRL Radiogram in the mail today, the first I've seen in many, many  years. It was originated from a ham I worked in FL on my big VOTA weekend, then went through a ham in ID, who mailed me the Radiogram postcard. The originator basically thanked me for my VOTA contact, and his points. 

Thanks to the ECS-FS subcommittee that is working hard to restore NTS. Something seems to be working! 

arrl-odv mailing list

Phil Temples <>

Phil Temples <>