In the industry meeting I attended at Huntsville in 2000, there was significant interest in forming an industry association. The stumbling blocks that people perceived were financing and governance. Underlying these concerns was the fact that somebody was going to have to do some work. The main nay-sayer was Dick Ross from CQ, who made a thorough horse's patoot of himself and threw a big wet blanket on others' enthusiasm (when I mix metaphors, they are well and truly mixed!). Ray Novak is a good guy and seems to want to work with the ARRL rather than at cross-purposes. If anybody can lead this industry organization from a real nice idea into a real nice organization, he can. I agree that the name they have chosen doesn't sound like an industry association. It would be interesting to know how they decided to choose it rather that something more indicative of their principal purpose. 73 - Kay WT3P --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.350 / Virus Database: 196 - Release Date: 4/17/2002