To Dan and anyone else who is responsible for providing the above site on the website, thank you!
If I could request a few additions:
1) Dan, could you add your fax number to the mix? We have postal mail and e-mail attachments covered, but some actually still use fax machines.
2) We had a legislative update by TKG this past week. Can we have a “drop-down” as to how members request an appointment to meet their representatives? More importantly, how to conduct their meeting. I’m thinking specifically as to prepare them if they are deferred to one of the representative’s staffers, how many hams to bring to the meeting, to be prepared if their representative doesn’t agree with them, etc. For those of us who have never requested an audience with their congressman, it is a daunting task. Members with no political experience really need to feel empowered to speak to their representative on behalf of the ARRL, and do so properly. Otherwise, the most we can expect are letters.
3) If it is legislatively appropriate, can we have a “drop-down” to discuss CAI so that members can “Know the Enemy” and know the opposition we face? Perhaps to take each of their arguments and have our direct rebuttal ready to go, as Chris indicated in his last e-mail?
As I wrote the request for a Fax number, I’m reminded of a Dilbert cartoon, where he agreed to fax specifications only if he could travel back in time to 1985, when faxes were the way to do this sort of thing J ! But it is what it is!
Thanks for the consideration,
’73 de JIM N2ZZ
arrl-odv mailing list