On Monday, April 26, 2021, 10:10, Mark J Tharp <kb7hdx@gmail.com> wrote:
Do we have a timeline when the website will be updated? http://www.arrl.org/fcc-rf-exposure-regulations-the-station-evaluationIs this PDF on our site currently, and if so what is the URL?Thanks..Mark, HDXOn Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 10:50 AM Kermit Carlson via arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> wrote:_______________________________________________Greetings All,Please find attached the PDF of the RF ExposureFrequently Asked Questions (Version 1.3). Ed Hareand the ARRL Laboratory are the authors of thisdocument with technical advice from Dr. Greg Lapin, N9GL,and the RF Safety Committee. My thanks to the ExecutiveCommittee for their contribution to the editorial processof this document.This PDF version 1.3 is suitable for distribution. Any questionsor suggestion for future inclusion in the FAQ should be directedto the ARRL Laboratory by email at tis@arrl.org. One of the ARRLLaboratory engineers will respond to comments by email.The responsibility for updates to this living-breathing documentwill now pass the ARRL Laboratory staff under the direction ofEd Hare, W1RFI; and the the RF Safety Committee under thelead of Dr. Greg Lapin, N9GL. As ARRL members, we are indeedvery fortunate to have such a great assemblage of truly giftedauthorities in the field of RF Engineering.Please be aware that updates might be very common asdetails come into better focus as the discussions between the FCCand the ARRL develop clarifications and recommendations.Thanks again to Ed Hare, W1RFI, for the authorship of this FAQ.73,Kermit Carlson W9XAARRL EMC Committee Chair
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