My understanding of the original request by Director Rehman was to review the E&E decision that he couldn't send a message.

However, I believe that if HQ were to send the reminder, this is considerably better and should be the chosen method.  As a precedent, this is preferable, since even in a Director election, HQ can send a neutral reminder to constituents.  A reminder from the Director cannot be considered neutral in a Director election.

If there is some reason HQ can't send a reminder, then in this instance, I believe Director Rehman should be permitted to send an appropriate neutral letter. 

Finally, we have been plagued for the last several years by reports of ballots that weren't received.  This occurred even when we had SBS running Director elections.  I think we need to understand what's going on, although I believe it will be very difficult to conclusively track down a true missing ballot, much less to discover why it was missing.  If we can't figure out why ballots go astray (or are discarded by recipients, etc.), at least we can put in place a clear, easy procedure to obtain a replacement.
       Greg, K0GW

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 7:02 AM, Kay Craigie <> wrote:
Just so we are all clear about what's on the table. I have re-read the
messages from the past few days.

The specific wording of the appeal by Director Rehman asks that *he* as
Director be allowed to send out a reminder. The last sentence of his message

"I respectfully request that Directors that agree that my sending a reminder
email to the NFL members needs to be decided by the entire Board so

As I understand it, the question is not about having HQ send out a
non-partisan reminder notice that a SM election is in progress but rather
about the Director doing so. Not HQ, not either HQ or the Director, but the
Director. Period.

Thus far, here are 10-cent versions of the responses of the 8 Directors who
have commented on the ODV. If I have mis-characterized your position in
boiling it down, I apologize:

Lisenco - OK for either Director or HQ
Edgar - OK for "generic" reminder
Mileshosky - OK
Norris - OK for either Director or HQ, changed to OK for HQ but not Director
Widin - OK for "neutral" reminder
Ahrens - OK for HQ
Woolweaver - OK
Weaver - OK for HQ

We may be able to see 5 Directors in support of Director Rehman's specific
appeal on the basis of those responses. On re-reading all the comments this
morning, I'm just not certain about that and respectfully ask for your help
in reaching clarity.

In no way whatsoever do I want to sandbag the process, thereby thwarting the
will of the Board. Also, I'm aware that the clock is ticking on the NFL

However, it would be very helpful and much appreciated if Directors would
re-post your position about the *specific language* in Director Rehman's
appeal to the ODV, so we can be certain that there are at least 5 Directors
supporting the appeal.

73 - Kay N3KN

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