My understanding of the original request by Director Rehman was to review the E&E decision that he couldn't send a message.
However, I believe that if HQ were to send the reminder, this is considerably better and should be the chosen method. As a precedent, this is preferable, since even in a Director election, HQ can send a neutral reminder to constituents. A reminder from the Director cannot be considered neutral in a Director election.
If there is some reason HQ can't send a reminder, then in this instance, I believe Director Rehman should be permitted to send an appropriate neutral letter.
Finally, we have been plagued for the last several years by reports of ballots that weren't received. This occurred even when we had SBS running Director elections. I think we need to understand what's going on, although I believe it will be very difficult to conclusively track down a true missing ballot, much less to discover why it was missing. If we can't figure out why ballots go astray (or are discarded by recipients, etc.), at least we can put in place a clear, easy procedure to obtain a replacement.