It hasn't been reported in detail previously to ODV that ITU-R Study Group 1 has on its plate a Question, ITU-R 221/1, that provides an opportunity for input on the issue of compatibility between BPL and over-the-air radiocommunications services as well as on measurement techniques. The compatibility issue is in ITU-R Working Party 1A and the measurement issue is in WP 1C. There is a series of meetings in Geneva October 30-November 7 at which the IARU will be represented by Ken Pulfer, VE3PU. Several weeks ago I asked Paul Rinaldo to have the Technical Relations Office submit a paper into the U.S. WP 1A preparatory process addressing the compatibility issues between the amateur and amateur-satellite services and BPL. Mostly this was simply to annoy the BPL proponents, since if they knew how to play the game they could block a U.S. submission to Geneva. Walt Ireland submitted such a paper, which generated a much more emotional and counterproductive reaction from the BPL representative, Jeff Krauss of Current Technologies, than we could have hoped for. The result was unexpected support for us from other U.S. WP1A participants, and the upshot is that there may indeed be a U.S. paper going forward to the October 30-November 7 meetings. Even if there isn't, the IARU has an opportunity to submit papers directly. We'll be working up at least one paper during the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, Walt Ireland has just reported from Geneva where the meeting of WP 6E (terrestrial sound broadcasting) is wrapping up. WP 6E has adopted a strong statement of concern, stating among things "that the reception of broadcast services will be compromised by the interference that will be produced by systems that employ PLT, ISM equipment and short-range devices. [WP 6E] is of the opinion that any increase in the amount of noise due to these systems is unacceptable. In particular, broadcast services should be protected from unwanted emissions from PLT systems, as these emissions are a by-product of a system that is not itself a user of the radio spectrum." Dave K1ZZ