The following item is going up on the web page today
noting that the issues with Earthlink have been resolved.
What we were able to get Earthlink to do, only because of the good work of
a Radio Amateur who works in the CEO's office, was to raise their internal
standards relative to so it wouldn't trigger their automated
delaying/blocking. I've been told that they were raised high enough so it
shouldn't be a problem anymore. Given their earlier statements that more than
50% of all mail from to Earthlink was spam, they must have raised it up
pretty high.
So, mail is flowing again to Earthlink's servers from Both we and
Earthlink will be sending out a note to our respective member/customers probably
on Monday. We're going to try and coordinate it so we're not pointing fingers
anymore. Which is probably a good thing.
Barry, N1VXY
EarthLink resolves issues with ARRL E-Mail Forwarding Service: E-mail
once again is flowing between the ARRL E-Mail Forwarding Service
addresses) and servers at
<>. The situation was resolved as a result
of direct conversations over the past several days between ARRL and senior
EarthLink officials, who were very willing to work with ARRL to eliminate the
impasse. "Once we were able to contact the appropriate parties at EarthLink,
they were very understanding and sympathetic to the situation." said ARRL Chief
Financial Officer Barry Shelley, N1VXY. "We are gratified that EarthLink
listened to our concerns and worked with us to effect a