This is the fifth email pertaining to the Red Cross MOU. These attachments are additional documentation for your review of the Red Cross MOU matter. If for some reason this comes through the Lyris server before the others, please QRX until you have them both as the first contains the info these attachments pertain to. Joel ________________________________ From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ [mailto:dsumner@arrl.org] Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 2:44 PM To: exec-com Subject: [exec-com:4164] Final Draft of Red Cross MOU Here is the final draft of the revised Memorandum of Understanding between The American National Red Cross and the ARRL. I have reviewed it carefully and believe that it fully addresses the concerns I have heard expressed about our relationship with the Red Cross and earlier drafts. Aside from the correction of a few typos and grammar, the only major change is the addition to Attachment D of language giving the Red Cross the responsibility of credentialing ARRL volunteers to whom they have assigned roles in a Disaster Relief Operation. This change resolves the first issue that General Counsel Imlay raised in his memo to the EC. Chris's second point has to do with the implementation of the MOU by the Red Cross. I think both parties must assume that the other party will act in good faith in implementing the MOU. If the other party does not, then either party may terminate the agreement by written notice at any time. With regard to Chris's third point, the language in the draft is taken verbatim from the policy statement adopted by the Board. I don't quarrel with Chris's observation that some of it is superfluous, but at this stage we cannot in good conscience ask that something be removed that we inserted in the first place, and to which the Red Cross has agreed. On page 3 you may trip over the statement that Attachment C may be modified or updated without a re-signing of the MOU. However, Attachment C is only a sample local agreement and does not contain anything that is binding on either national organization; amendments to the sample local agreement are unlikely to be a policy matter for either organization. I hope you will accept that our point of contact can be entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that the sample local agreement is not modified to our detriment. I recommend that the Executive Committee authorize the circulation of this draft to the Board, with the recommendation that it be approved by mail vote. 73, David Sumner, K1ZZ Chief Executive Officer <<ARRL Red Cross MOU Final Draft 090312.doc>>