On behalf of Bob Inderbitzen:


To: ARRL Officers, Directors and Vice Directors attending Dayton Hamvention, May 19 – 21, 2023

This message includes a registration link for Board members who are interested in volunteering as part of the ARRL Team at 2023 Dayton Hamvention, held annually at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Xenia, Ohio. ARRL will again host our large exhibit area in Building 2. Hours are Fri & Sat 9 AM to 5 PM, and Sun 9 AM to 1 PM.

2023 Hamvention is sanctioned as the ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention.

Board members will each receive an ARRL exhibitor’s badge (in lieu of purchasing a Hamvention ticket) and ARRL team shirts (same dark blue polo shirts as used for 2022 events).

REGISTRATION: If you’re interested in volunteering to support ARRL’s exhibits and activities at Hamvention, please complete and submit the following online registration form by Thursday, April 6. The online registration form will help us organize room reservations, badges, apparel and staffing for the event. Even if your plans are not entirely committed, please complete the form with your tentative information so we can meet the deadline for our hotel room block. The registration form should not be shared with anyone else. If you have a spouse, companion, or other family member accompanying you—and they’re interested in volunteering with you—please have them complete a registration form, too (be sure they mention your participation, so we can associate their registration with your own).


REGISTRATION FORM is due by Thursday, April 6:


TRAVEL EXPENSES: ARRL Officers, Directors, and the Great Lakes Division Vice Director may seek travel expense reimbursement, expensed to their respective ARRL budgets.

ARRL’s staff team and Board members will be housed at the Marriott at the University of Dayton, 1414 South Patterson Blvd in Dayton, Ohio. This is the same Marriott as 2019 and 2022. The hotel is 17 miles from the exhibition fairgrounds in Xenia. Our online registration form will capture your hotel registration information (please don’t book directly with the hotel). ARRL’s room block must be committed by April 6. The room rate is $163, plus taxes (currently 16.5%). Each room includes up to 2 breakfasts per day based on occupancy, complimentary self-parking, and wireless internet. You will be required to use a credit card at check-in to cover all charges and incidentals. Smoke-free property. Check-in 3 PM; Check-out 12 PM.


PARKING: Hamvention parking is free and includes limited onsite parking (weather permitting) and remote lots served by a free shuttle. No parking passes are necessary. Those requiring ADA/Handicap parking should visit the Hamvention website for instructions. Shuttles and golf carts will be going through the lots to facilitate easy access.


A list of our staff and program areas for Hamvention is included below. Volunteer assignments will be made by late April.


We enjoy welcoming Board members as part of the ARRL Dayton Team! Thank you for your interest. Please contact us if you have any questions.


73 Bob, NQ1R and Yvette, KC1AIM – ARRL Dayton Team Co-Organizers


Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R – Director of Marketing and Innovation
Yvette Vinci, KC1AIMMembership Manager




ARRL Exhibits and Team for 2023 Dayton Hamvention®

ARRL Membership and Store (large exhibit area)

  1. Yvette Vinci, KC1AIM
  2. Jackie Ferreira, KB1PWB – also organizing Meet-the-Author (Meetup!)
  3. Kim McNeill, KM1IPA
  4. Margie Bourgoin, W1MRG
  5. Brian McNeill
  6. Jherica Goodgame, KI5HTA

Meet the Author (Meetup!)

  1. Mark Derks, KC1RVQ

ARRL Year of the Volunteers

  1. Sierra Harrop, W5DX
  2. Mike Walters, W8ZY – also the Section Manager meeting (Thursday, 2-4 PM) at hotel
  3. Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH – also ARRL Volunteer Monitoring forum, and Section Manager Meeting (Thursday, 2-4 PM) at hotel

Development and Foundation

  1. Kevin Beal, K8EAL also Thursday Donor Reception
  2. Regina Galuppi, W3DGI – also Thursday Donor Reception

Radiosport and DXCC

  1. Bob Naumann, W5OV – also presenter during Membership Forum, ARRL representative for the DX Forum, and attend Saturday Contest Dinner
  2. Bart Jahnke, W9JJ – also staff representative for Contest University (all day Thursday), Good Operators forum, and attend Saturday Contest Dinner

Education and Learning

  1. Steve Goodgame, K5ATA also Youth Outreach and Collegiate Amateur Radio forums
  2. Wayne Greene, KB4DSF Education & Technology Program Instructor

ARRL Lab: Handheld Radio Testing

  1. George Spatta, W1GKS – also ARRL Lab forum
  2. Steve Anderson, W1EMI -- also ARRL Lab forum

Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative (booth and forum)

  1. Andy Milluzzi, KK4LWR – also ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio forum and attend Friday Collegiate Ham Radio Dinner
  2. Tony Milluzzi, KD8RTT – also ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio forum and attend Friday Collegiate Ham Radio Dinner
  3. TBD

ARES® — Amateur Radio Emergency Service®

  1. Josh Johnston, KE5MHV – also ARRL ARES forum
  2. Jeremy Dunkley, KC1SIV

Great Lakes Division and KY, MI, OH Sections

Meet & Greet
(ARRL Officers, only)

  1. David Minster, NA2AA, CEO – also presenter for ARRL Membership forum

International Amateur Radio Union

Operational Leads

  1. Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R – ARRL Team Co-coordinatoralso Collegiate Amateur Radio forum
  2. Alex Norstrom, KC1RMO – ARRL Events app and social media


tentative list

Amateur Radio and the Law
Moderator: Fred Hopengarten, Esq., K1VR, member of the ARRL Amateur Radio Legal Defense & Assistance Committee

The ARRL Laboratory – Behind the Scenes!


Protecting Amateur Radio

Moderator: John Robert Stratton, N5AUS, Chair of the ARRL Legislative Advocacy Committee

ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service — ARES Forum
Presenter: Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, ARRL Director of Emergency Management

Good Operators and Interference

Presenter: Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, ARRL Volunteer Monitor Program Administrator


ARRL Membership Forum

Moderator: Dale Williams, WA8EFK, ARRL Director — Great Lakes Division

Panelists: Rick Roderick, K5UR, ARRL President; David Minster, NA2AA, ARRL CEO; John R. Sager, WJ7S, ARRL Treasurer; Bob Naumann, W5OV, ARRL Director of Operations

Youth Outreach
Presenter: Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, ARRL Education and Learning Manager

ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Forum

