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Vol. 32, No. 41

October 14, 2009  --  Covers the period October 4-10.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)

October 12-16 – ARRL HQ

Executive Committee Meeting

October 24 @ 9:00am – Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX

Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections

November 20 -- ARRL HQ

Ad Hoc Committee Meeting on Amateur Auxiliary

November 20 -- ARRL HQ

Administration &Finance Committee

November 21 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ

Programs & Services Committee

November 21 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ


Formal training will begin next week on the Fathom Content Management system for the new Web Site.  Team Leaders and other who need access to the new Web site will be trained here at HQ on Tuesday and Thursday.  Once everyone is familiar with the content management software, we will begin placing the previously completed content into the new Web site.

We had a few VIPs here at HQ this week.  First, the USTTI has been here.  Visitors included Colin Thomas, G3PSM, President of RSGB, and his wife paid us a visit, Bob Heil, K9EID, of Heil Sound and Ken Mirabella, KM6YH, of PowerWerx.


Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH

Production for the Spectrum Defense campaign is nearing completion.  The solicitation will mail the week of October 19.  The follow up to major donors and previous Spectrum Defense donors will go out the Monday after Thanksgiving. For the follow up letter, the rile of previous donors will be divided into two segments with half receiving a paper letter and half receiving the letter via email.

Development submitted its revenue and expense budget for 2010.


Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE

Joel Hallas gave a “Comparison of Multiband Antennas” presentation to about 60 attendees at the Connecticut State Convention on October 11, followed by a “Doctor is IN” session.

Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter, Vol. 28, No. 40, for October 8, 2009.  She also voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for October 8.

Sales and Marketing

Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R

Handbooks Abound!  The member services team and warehouse crew are busy fulfilling orders for the new 2010 Handbook.  The books arrived in 3 truckloads September 30 and October 1.  During the last 2 weeks, the warehouse fulfilled 3,600 packages for publication and product orders—mostly orders for the Handbook from publication dealers and individuals.  Orders continue to steam-in. Response to the multi-channel publication rollout has been overwhelmingly strong.  Total distribution of the new edition Handbook is predicted to exceed the distribution forecasted for its first month of sales.  Buyer feedback about the publication has been excellent.

Product Sales

September product sales were $192,286—exceeding the sales forecast of $186,590.  Direct sales were $95,120; dealer sales were $97,166.  A hefty number of orders from volunteer instructors, likely planning “back to school” classes, yielded sales of $13,183.  Sales of The ARRL Antenna Book are up, spurred-on by the 2010 Handbook.  The member services team has been very successful encouraging up-sells with phone orders for Handbook.


ARRL ended September with 155,153 members -- a net loss of 193 members over August.  We are up 526 members from the start of the year.  73% of September expirees paid on time, compared to 69% from last September.

A large membership campaign to lapsed and ‘never’ members mailed on Friday.  The premium for a 3-year membership is The Antenna Book.

A test membership soliciting Technician licensees is being prepared for mailing during the last week in October.

The winter 2009/2010 publications catalog has been released to the printer.

A Handbook solicitation will accompany December’s issue of QST mailed to international and Canadian members.

Now Shipping: The 2010 ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications (hardcover and softcover editions) and the 2010 ARRL Amateur Radio Calendar.

ARRL Conventions

Date    Name    Division        City    State   ARRL HQ Rep.   
Oct 23-25       Microwave Update        WG      Irving  TX             
Nov 7-8 Georgia Section SE      Lawrenceville   GA      Allen Pitts    
Nov 14  Alabama State   SE      Montgomery      AL             
Nov 14-15       Indiana State   CL      Fort Wayne      IN      Ward Silver    
Dec 5-6 Florida State   SE      Palmetto        FL      Dennis Dura    

Membership & Volunteer Programs

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N

Field Organization/Public Service Team

The focal-point weekend for the 2009 ARRL Simulated Emergency Test was the weekend of October 3 and 4, and many SET reports have already started to arrive.  Steve Ewald is receiving these reports.  Steve also joined Dennis Dura in the Global Emergency Radio Coalition meeting that was held this past week here at Headquarters.

Leona Adams reports that League members in Alabama, Alaska and Kansas have now begun to return their filled-out Section Manager Election ballots.  Members in those sections have until November 20 to return ballots.

Official Observers have documented activity on 75 meters, and they reported this to Chuck Skolaut here at HQ.  The League tracked down information for an ARRL Web story that credits Official Observers for finding the source of interference on a 2 meter repeater in the Orange Section.  We also continued to follow up in trying to identify radar like signals being observed in north-central California.  The IARU Region 1 monitoring coordinator forwarded reports of intruders using voice on the CW portions of 20 and 40 meters.

Emergency Preparedness & Response

Reported by Dennis Dura, K2DCD

I hosted a Global Emergency Radio Coalition meeting at ARRL HQ.  Participants included representatives of the Department of Homeland Security, Office of Emergency Communications, The Salvation Army, SATERN (United States and Canada), National Weather Service, Mobile Maritime Service Network and the ARRL.

Sincerely Compiled by,

Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ

Assistant to the CEO

Staff Absentee List

All Staff               11/26-11/27     Holiday

     ``                 12/25           Holiday

Kathy Allison           10/19-10/23     Vacation

Joe Carcia              10/12-10/20     Vacation

Dennis Dura             10/14-10/16     Disaster Organizations Nat’l Meeting, Chicago, IL

      ``                        10/21-10/23     Emergency Management Crisis Comm. Conference, MO

Steve Ewald             10/15-10/26     Vacation

Scott Gee               12/7-12/8       Vacation

     ``                 12/23-12/24     Vacation

     ``                 12/31           Vacation

Joel Hallas             11/19-11/20     North Fulton ARL, Atlanta, GA

Dan Henderson           11/23-11/25     Vacation

      ``                        12/21-12/31     Vacation

Khrystyne Keane 10/23           Vacation

Joel Kleinman           10/23           Vacation

      ``                        11/11           Vacation

Brennan Price           11/4-11/13      Vacation

Steve Sant Andrea       10/16           Vacation

Dave Sumner             10/9-10/20      IARU R3 Conference/AC Meeting, Christchurch, NZ

       ``                       10/23-10/25     Executive Committee Meeting, Dallas, TX