Nelson and Schatz were the only two who voiced opposition.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

"Rehman, Doug, K4AC" <> wrote:

I received the below from a member in my Division.

Can anyone provide a roll call of the Senators?


-----Original Message-----
From: Barry Porter []
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 11:40 AM
To: Doug Rehman <>; Jeff Beals <>
Subject: looks like we failed

>From Senator Nelson:

I would also like to mention the Amateur Radio Parity Act.

While I have great respect for Senators Blumenthal and Wicker, I must oppose this bill today.

Amateur radio plays an important role in enhancing public safety communication, and I encourage communities to work with amateur radio operators to find ways to further these services. 

This bill before us, though, would effectively repeal parts of millions of private contracts and agreements relied upon by homeowners around the country.

This committee would be overriding guidelines that were established – and agreed to – by residents of a community when they voluntarily choose to live in that community.  This is a step too far.

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