Hello Mike -

     I think what you are witnessing is someone stuck on how it used
to be done..  guess all you can say is "OK BOOMER..."

                                73, Kermit W9XA/BOOMER

....which by the way IS legal :*}

On Thursday, December 5, 2019, 6:17:26 PM CST, Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net> wrote:

I seem to recall that the FCC has already ruled on this type of proposal, at least once. Does anybody have anything related to this that I can send this guy? 

If not, which ARRL  committee would be the proper one to sent this request to for consideration? 


---------- Original Message ----------
From: C Williams <wa6ctb@yahoo.com>
To: w7vo@arrl.org
Date: December 5, 2019 at 3:18 PM
Subject: ID call with /

I hope you remember to bring up for discussion at the Board meeting the proposal I sent you re having the FCC require ID'ing with a /# if their call is different from the area they are in.
If you remember it would require no work or cost from the FCC other than a order.  Stations would ID with a /# if they are mobile or living in an area different from their call.  No change to the License would be required only on the air ID'ing.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Chuck KI7DG

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