The vaccines are not experimental. They have an emergency use authorization which doesn’t mean it’s experimental. It just means that it is authorized for use while pending FDA approval. I am a participant in the moderna trial. It wasn’t experimental when I got it and it isn’t now. 

The trials have shown 95% effectiveness and experiences in Israel (which has been ahead of the world in vaccination against the virus) have shown mass vaccination to dramatically slow the spread almost to eradication levels.

This mirrors the trial where participants getting the shot even if infected had much less severe symptoms.

The bottom line is that If we have widespread adoption of the vaccine we will beat this and hopefully return to normal. 

The timeline is what is uncertain. In NJ there is not an appointment to be found. The state isn’t getting doses, and the doses that are being sent here go within a matter of hours.

With that said I won’t stop a club from holding a hamfest. I would approve sanction. I would tell them that my attendance is based on appropriate protocols such as masking, distancing and hand washing. Health departments aren’t approving food permits anyway and venues like public schools and senior centers are also not allowing these events. So this cuts down on most events. 

The only club that held one last year (NJ antique radio club) held it at their own facility - the project Diana site which is now a technology museum and managed by them. It was also held outdoors which makes a huge difference. They had no food but had free canned sodas. 

I think that this would be a narrow exception and clubs know what they’re in for. I had a lot approved for later in the year but one by one they canceled. So this may also play out similarly. 


On Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 1:03 PM Lee Cooper <> wrote:
One might also remember that the vaccines that have been approved are approved as " Experimental", meaning there is NO long term data on side effects or possible reactions to someone conditions or medications. Just saying we don't know because there has not been any data to assess.

The danger I see here is assuming that if everyone at a hamfest has been vaccinated that we can assume everything is peachy keen. 



On Tue, Jan 26, 2021, 10:39 AM Fred Hopengarten <> wrote:



The Augusta Amateur Radio Assn has requested ARRL sanction for a Hamfest to be held September 11, 2021, 0800-1200. Augusta is the state capitol in Maine (but you knew that from 6th grade, didn’t you?). It will be held at the Windsor (ME) Fairgrounds.


I have no idea if Maine will be well vaccinated by September, and I am reluctant to approve a Hamfest by then.


Do you think I should approve it?



Fred Hopengarten, Esq.   K1VR

Six Willarch Road

Lincoln, MA 01773



New England Director


Serving ME, NH, VT, MA, RI and CT



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