The attached letter is being posted to the web site as a sample for members to use in writing to their Representatives. I will be customizing mine and sending it to my Rep right away, and I hope you will do the same. Letters should be faxed to Chwat's office (703-684-7594) or printed out, signed, scanned, and sent as an e-mail attachment to Chwat's attention (john.chwat@chwatco.com) I have asked Dan Henderson to activate the grass-roots network. I also asked Dave to have the Section Managers brought into the loop on this issue. Because the effect of this bill would be severe on the Field Organization (mainly ARES), club/individual sponsors of 440 repeaters, and weak-signal operations in their Sections, I hope the Section Managers will help stir up letter-writing even though federal legislative affairs are not, strictly speaking, in their area of responsibility. Spectrum protection is in everybody's area of responsibility, if you wear a red badge, no matter what office you hold. The next job is putting together the next issue of Legislative Update. The goal is to get that out in the next few days. 73 - Kay N3KN