Others have made lists of such people. Put "famous radio hams" into Google or any search engine. There will be a good number of sites with lists. Probably most of those individuals suggested here on ODV are contained in the lists.


Dick, N6AA

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On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 7:47 AM, Minster, David NA2AA (CEO)
<dminster@arrl.org> wrote:

We are continuing to plan a monthly column for 2023 to profile hams to are high profile in society or have accomplished something major outside of amateur radio.  We have been collecting names but we’d like to hear from you.


Naturally Joe Taylor, K1JT leaps to mind as he has earned a Nobel Prize in radio astronomy.


We also have Dirk Basting, N4AN who developed the Excimer laser used in LASIK eye surgery today.


Even multi-billionaire Michael Bloomberg was influenced early in life by amateur radio and a love for science, leading to an electrical engineering degree, onto building Bloomberg LP.




Please think about hams in your division that would meet this criteria.  We’d like to interview them and bring the possibilities of a life influenced by radio communications and technology to light for both our members and for our teachers/youth.





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