I’d like to add my 2-cents to the “great
job, folks” comments about the new QST.
I’d also like to express my
disappointment in being unable to find a single item about a League member
service/program or benefit about which many members are probably unaware. I have been told we are running a series of educational
and self-promoting house propaganda articles designed to sell, continually,
members and non-members of the reasons for joining and supporting ARRL.
Of course, I may have overlooked the
article. I’d not really noticed
such a series in previous months, either.
Weaver, K8JE, Director
E-mail: k8je@arrl.org; Tel: 513-459-0142
the Reason Amateur Radio is!
the Reason ARRL is!
-----Original Message-----
From: John Bellows
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:13384] Re: [arrl_acc] Idea for QST
At the time the change
was made in QST one of the “new” features was supposed to be a
periodic article about Clubs with particularly successful activities including
ways of attracting new members and increasing member participation. I wonder what happened to that idea.
Looks like a good time to
raise the question.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Vallio
To: arrl-odv
Subject: Fwd: [arrl_acc] Idea for
This was sent to me by former SM, WB6W. Inasmuch
as we seem to be
finding it difficult to recruit new members, perhaps a quarterly or biennial
column in QST which points out what our affiliated clubs can do for folks
in need, might just be worthwhile. The reference to brief descriptions,
a URL to visit for the whole story, may make it doable. It is something
considering. This assumes that non-members do read QST, and that clubs
would start reporting their good deeds to a central collection point.
Bob Vallio -- W6RGG
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: glennt@charter.net <glennt@charter.net >
Subject: Re: [arrl_acc] Idea for QST
To: arrl_acc@yahoogroups.com
Cc: w6rgg@arrl.org
Hi all!
I agree Dan. The idea of a column in QST to trumpet the good stuff done by
clubs is a wonderful idea. It wasn't very many years ago that this kind of
reportage, including "ink" for participants, was the main grist for
the Section News column(s) that every section manager wrote every month. That
kind of info is *still* good stuff for your SMs section news web page. I trust
you keep your SM up to date on these kinds of things.
The idea of a column, perhaps a page or two long, devoted to the kind of things
you suggest is something that might be done. It's certrainly less paper than
the old section news was and might be concentrated on the good stuff. Of
course, it means that ACCs (and possibly SMs as well) will have one more thing
to report every month to somebody.
Since it was the directors that killed off the old section news in QST, I'm
copying my director on this as he will have more pull in
73 de Glenn WB6W
> From: "Dan Vanevenhoven" <dvaneven@dataex.com>
> Date: 2005/12/05 Mon PM 03:27:17 PST
> To: arrl_acc@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [arrl_acc] Idea for QST
> Mostly this is for Norm but would like to get input on this from the
> group as well. Is it possible to put a Club Corner in QST. I sent
> out my new monthly Wisconsin ARRL Club newsletter to all the ARRL
> Clubs here in
> gentalmen made the comment why doesn't ARRL do this. I'm not sure if
> its feezable or not but he had a good piont. Most people like to see
> some ink on themselves.
> In this months newletter I commented on how a hearing impaired
> gentleman who worked with a VE team to pass the code test. By using
> a bright LED and a laptop to type on to get his general after 10
> years of being a tech. Latest word is he has almost 100 contacts on
> PSK31 alone. Also had a club up north help a older ham in a
> retirment home get setup with a antenna for HF (A few dipoles setup
> in the trees near by, They even had a few of the local ladies
> decarate them for the local bird population) and with a FT-817 and a
> antenna tuner. He is finally back on HF after 2 yrs.
> I remember a few years back helping a ham that moved into a trailer
> park. He was told in writing that antennas where ok. Well after he
> moved in we put up the antenna and to our surprise the Park
> managment said he couldn't put up the antenna up because it was now
> under new managmet and would not be allowed. Well two weeks later we
> went back and put up 40 foot flagpole :) (feed with RG-8 of coarse
> and shunt feed for 80-10). Well we where agian approached by park
> management and told no! "you can't do that". He just
smiled and
> told the Park Manager "I'm a retired US Marine and your telling me a
> veteran of three wars he can't put up the American flag at his own
> house. Needless to say the Park manager backed down real quick.
> Just a idea. I know space is tight in QST but it might be nice for
> clubs to get recognized nation wide and might give some people some
> ideas on how to help other club members.
> Long story short it would be nice to see stuff on what local clubs
> are doing in QST. Most of QST is covering the big event and thats
> great. This would be nothing major just a few words on each of them.
> Clubs helping the local hams who need it. Even something like so and
> so did this or that and you can read more at www.dahdah.org. With
> all the negitive going on around the world it might be nice to see
> some positive every now and agian.
> Just a idea.
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