Motions and reports are now flowing in as attachments to email messages distributed by the ODV reflector. I dutifully save each one to a folder:
HAM RADIO/ARRL/Board of Directors/Meetings/2020 January That’s a lot of mouse clicks.
And then Version 2 of a Motion shows up, and perhaps a correction to a report.
My life as a Director would be much easier if all motions and reports were put into a DropBox folder. When Version 2 of the motion, or a corrected report shows up, instead of going to my folder and adding the new/deleting the old, only the most recent would be there.
So I think we are using an antiquated method of document distribution. Access to DropBox folders is easy to control. Maybe there is even something better than DropBox (but that’s what I use with my clients).
Do other members of the Board agree that the League could do something more efficient than mailing each document to each person?
Fred Hopengarten, Esq. K1VR
Six Willarch Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
New England Director
Serving ME, NH, VT, MA, RI and CT