Hi Rick,
Well, I'm still not certain how the licensing
business can be done by the FCC and the sub band regulation can be done
independently by the ARRL without some sort of intimate collaboration. But if
you all think that is worked out then I'm good with that.
However, here's my point. ARRL's petition in March
2002 was for the Novice and coded Techs to be given CW privileges in the
CW/RTTY/data sub bands on the bands which currently have the old novice
bands (according to a new set of frequencies suggested in that
petition). So if the FCC were to amaze us all an move out on a change as
suggested in the March 2002 proposal, on forty meters, the Novice and coded
techs could operate CW from 7000 to 7125 KHz. However, this new regulation by
bandwidth proposal would be a little weird since you probably would not
want to encourage CW from 7100 and up. I gather one could work CW on any part of
the forty meter band, but as you know, if you venture much into the phone band
operating CW, then you would most likely get a ration of Super
High Intensity Training (or SHIT as we say out here). So, the definition of
where the Novice and coded techs should operate might be from 7125 and down from
the 2002 proposal or it might be from 7100 and down from the current one. Once
the FCC chisels the frequencies for HF operation by coded techs in limestone,
then it might have some influence on where the 3 KHz bandwidth sub bands might
need to be.
If a non-ARRL member, no-coded tech had a
piece of paper from the FCC that said he could operate CW on 7105 KHz and
an ARRL-regulated band plan said that WINLINK 2000 robots will likely pounce
your frequency on 7105 all day long, then I would expect some conflict to
Again, some corroboration would be needed for this
to work.
Back to 2 meter EME where I understand what I'm
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 11:55
Subject: [arrl-odv:12210] Re: More
bandwidth confusion
Yep, what Tom said, Ned.
Your first post on ODV?
Good grief..... I've never know you to be that quiet! (hi)
In a message dated 4/30/2005 4:58:25 PM Central Standard Time,
aa7a@cox.net writes:
Hello all. First posting to this reflector. I finally feel like I
know a
little bit about something.
I was briefing the Southern AZ
DX Association on the most recent EC proposed
regulation by bandwidth
plan. I was questioned by an astute listener as what
happens to the
CW-only sub bands for the Technician (P) class operators on
the HF
bands. Even if the ARRL or other entity is authorized to define HF
plans, the FCC surely must still regulate the frequency authorizations
for license classes.
How does sub band plans regulated by an
entity other than the FCC remain
de-conflicted from FCC licensing
privileges? Does the amateur radio-based
regulator recommend and
coordinate adjustments to FCC license frequency
bands as part of the
Ned Stearns
Southwestern Division Vice