
    We often forget that each Member of this Board has a life, responsibilities, and accomplishments that are not 225 Main dependent.

    The League is honored to have as Members veterans of every branch of US Military service. There are few who do not view their service as an important part of their life's experience.

    But there are a few whose dedication to the Military, its veterans, and the country continues after their active and or reserve duty separation.

    One of those is West Gulf Vice Director Lee H. Cooper, U.S. Army, Ret'd.  Lee's dedication has resulted in his being chosen as Commander of American Legion Hunter-Morris Memorial Post 911. (

    It is a responsibility and honor not lightly bestowed. Congratulations to Commander Cooper.



John Robert Stratton



West Gulf Division

Office:             512-445-6262

Cell:                512-426-2028

P.O. Box 2232

Austin, Texas 78768-2232

