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Vol. 33, No. 23

June 9, 2010  --  Covers the period May 30-June 5.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Programs & Services Committee:  July 15, 2010 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ

Administration & Finance Committee:  July 15, 2010 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ

Second Board Meeting:  July 16-17, 2010 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT

Technical Relations

Reported by Brennan Price, N4QX

Brennan Price reports that an ARRL proposal on WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.14 (VHF radiolocation) has been adopted by the appropriate Informal Working Group of the FCC’s WRC-12 Advisory Committee.  Brennan continues work in support of a domestic allocation at 137 kHz and has completed an item for the Ad Hoc Narrowbanding Committee.  Jon Siverling is in final preparations for ITU-R Working Parties 1A and 1B in late June and is advising a regulator from the Caribbean on reciprocal licensing issues.

Regulatory Information

Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND

Early in the week, we became aware that Steve Bozak, WB2IQU, had been ticketed under the NY state cellphone law for using an amateur radio.  We have been coordinating with ARRL General Counsel to provide Mr. Bozak and his personal attorney information to assist with his defense.  The law clearly does not apply to amateur radio usage and we will continue to address this issue.

Also early in the week we reviewed all 200+ comments and reply comments that had been submitted to the FCC for consideration related to Docket 10-72, Communications on behalf of one's employer.  A memo was written at the request of General Counsel noting specific sets of comments that the ARRL might wish to consider in its own reply comments.  We later reviewed a draft of the ARRL reply comments before they were circulated to the Executive Committee for consideration.

During the previous couple of weeks, we became aware of a problem with OOs in the SCV section apparently going beyond on-the-air monitoring and potentially getting involved with local authorities to gather additional information.  The OOC for SCV was contacted and the situation was resolved with a reminder that the OO program is for on-the-air monitoring, not “on-the-ground” police-style investigative work.

We reviewed a CC&R for an Oklahoma amateur that was sent to us by WG Division Vice-Director Thomason.  While no specific language prohibited antennas, the very vague “nuisance” clause could well be used to try to prohibit almost any activity someone in the development opposed.  (Our recommendation was either to get a clear understanding in writing from the HOA before purchasing the property or to keep looking).

As Field Day approaches, numerous requests and queries continue to pour in.  There are lingering problems with the Field Day site locator that we continue to address.  The annual W1AW Field Day message is being drafted. Several requests have been received asking permission for clubs to do their own t-shirts using the 2010 FD logo.  These requests have been declined since we sell FD t-shirts.

Media & Public Relations

Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP

The ARRL_FD Twitter experiment is up to 148 people following and passing on postings even though we’re not really sending out much yet.  Plans are for there to be increasing traffic there with the climax during FD weekend.  We shall see what happens.  Special pins and thank-you letters were mailed to all of the PR-101 graduates.  In another experiment, postcards announcing the celebration of the 75th anniversary for ARES are being designed.  After FD, these will be made available freely to PICs to distribute to PIOs in their section.  PIOs then add their own names and phone numbers to the cards and send them to local media inviting the reporters to interview them about ARES activities.  We received email from OMNI MEDIA NETWORKS in Oregon that they are running the ARRL’s PSAs regularly, including the Field Day promos.  As of 6/8/10 we have 10 state level Field Day proclamations and they are still coming in.


Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH

The ARRL Diamond Club has earned more than $119,000 in revenue (net of membership dues) through May 30.  This total is 45% of the project’s annual goal for 2010.  Growth was evident across the board over the same period in 2009—gross and net revenues up 74%, pledge donations up 68.3%, new Diamond Club donors up 69.5% ; renewal responses up 35%, and renewal revenue up 45%.

The W1AW Endowment campaign has topped $69,000, exceeding the $65,000 goal.

The new approach to Spectrum Defense is underway.  The first edition of a new newsletter, Spectrum Defense Matters, is in preparation and will be mailed to prior donors and a selection of long time members who have opted in to receive information from ARRL via email.  There are two additional editions planned for late summer and fall.  This new approach is an effort to attract revenue for the Spectrum Defense Fund earlier in the year.

The next projects will be the 2010 campaign for the Education & Technology Fund and a late summer mailing to lapsed and current Diamond Club donors to mirror the mailing earlier in 2010.  The goal is to encourage monthly and quarterly pledges which will increase the average contribution level and attract donors who may find it easier to contribute $10, $20 or $50 a month rather than a single larger contribution.


Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE

Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter and voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for May 27, 2010.

Work continues on the August issue of QST and the July/August issues of NCJ and QEX.

Membership & Volunteer Programs

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N

  DXCC Branch   Credits Applications   
2009 Carryover  169,549 1,271  

2010 Received   323,030 2,670  

Cumulative Total        492,579 3,941  

2010 Processed  423,047 3,485  

Remaining       69,532  456    

Processing Time                 5 Weeks

  Logbook of the World

Category        May 2010        Percentage Change

Jan – May 2010 
QSO Records Enter Into System   284,240,138     8%     

QSL Record Matches      30,345,213      12%    

Logs Processed  1,494,021       16%    

Active Certificates     51,381  8%     

Registered Users in System     
33,993  8%     

Logbook Inquiries       May 2010       
Maintenance     862    

Initial Setup Inquiries 835    

Award Related Concerns  342    

Customer Usage Issues   943    

Phone Calls     201    



Joe updated the web code practice files and part of the archives.  He also created texts for the June W1AW Qualifying Runs.  He updated the Qualifying Run web schedule and made a quick repair to the Harris amplifier used on 15 meters.  Joe also assisted the ARRL Lab with the installation of the D-Star repeater equipment.

Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the first part of the month of June.  He also assisted the DXCC department with the editing of applications.

Field Organization/Public Service Team

There will be two Section Manager elections this summer:  The Ohio Section has a race between incumbent Section Manager Frank Piper, KI8GW, and Thomas Sly, WB8LCD.  In Southern Florida, David Fowler, K4DLF, and Mark Timblin, W3LZK, will be on the ballot.  Leona Adams has been in touch the candidates and will begin working on preparations for the upcoming elections.

Incumbent Section Managers Scott Bauer, W2LC (Western New York) and Lynn Nelson, W0ND (North Dakota), were also nominated this past week and prior to the June 4 nomination petition deadline.  There were no other candidates from Western New York and North Dakota.  Other incumbent Section Managers who have previously been nominated and are not facing opposition include Roberto Jimenez, KP4AC (Puerto Rico); Skip Jackson, KS0J (Minnesota); Ed Stuckey, AI7H (Idaho); John Ellis, NP2B (Virgin Islands); Betsey Doane, K1EIC (Connecticut).

Kevin O’Dell, N0IRW, of Ardmore, Oklahoma, was the only nominee to submit a petition to run for Oklahoma Section Manager.  He will begin his first term as SM on October 1.

Incumbent Section Manager John Rodgers, N3MSE, has been nominated to run for another term of office in Western Pennsylvania that begins on January 1, 2011.  Nominations for this election cycle are not due until September 10.

Official Observers have reported daily interference to a 75 meter net in California.  This has been followed up.  Another report of the bootlegged KL7R call sign was received from a radio amateur in New York.  Information was forwarded to the FCC regarding a station who was not observing a written request to cease using a Florida repeater.

Reports of Radio Ethiopia and Eritrea being heard on 7110 kHz and 7175 kHz were confirmed by our Intruder Watch monitors and information was forwarded to the FCC.  Chuck Skolaut handled inquiries on Field Day, FCC waivers, carrying radio gear on planes, RFI in apartment situations, and a request for repeater frequencies outside of the United States.

Sincerely Compiled by,

Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ

Assistant to the CEO

Staff Absentee List

All Staff               7/5             Holiday

Leona Adams             6/10pm          Vacation

     ``                 6/18            Vacation

Bob Allison             6/11-6/13       Tennessee State Convention, Knoxville, TN

    ``                  7/6-7/9         Vacation

Joe Carcia              6/18            Vacation

     ``                 7/2-7/9         Vacation

     ``                 7/16            Vacation

     ``                 7/23            Vacation

     ``                 7/30            Vacation

      ``                        8/6-8/13        Vacation

Jackie Cornell          6/3-6/14        Vacation

Kim Dotolo              6/18            Vacation

Steve Ewald             6/24            Vacation

Trish Feeney            6/14-6/15       Vacation

Steve Ford              6/14-6/16       AMP Publishing Conference, Washington, DC

     ``                 6/25            Vacation

     ``                 7/6-7/9         Vacation

Scott Gee               8/30-8/31       Vacation

Katie Glass             6/28-7/7        Vacation

Mike Gruber             6/19-6/26       Vacation

     ``                 8/23-8/27       Vacation

Dan Henderson           6/22-7/5        Friedrichshafen/Vacation

Mary Hobart             6/10-6/13       HamCom, Dallas, TX

Amy Hurtado             7/14-7/26       Vacation

Bob Inderbitzen         6/9-6/12        West Gulf Division Convention, Plano TX

     ``                 6/22-6/30       Friedrichshafen, Germany / Vacation

    ``                  8/23-8/27       Vacation

Karen Isakson           6/21            Vacation

Joel Kleinman           6/14-6/16       AMP Publishing Conference, Washington, DC

Linda Kleinschmidt      6/28-6/29       Vacation

Zack Lau                6/17-6/21       Vacation

    ``                  7/12-7/23       Vacation

Dave Patton             8/6-8/7         Texas State Convention, Austin, TX

Diane Petrilli          8/23-8/27       Vacation

Dave Sumner             6/23-6/28       Friedrichshafen, Germany

     ``                 6/29-7/13       Vacation

Janice Wytas            6/14-6/18       Vacation