I don't know if Rob sent each of you a similar message.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
Sent: Wed 6/25/2003 4:44 PM
To: Rob Worley
Subject: RE: Apology re: Oregon SM Recall Election

Rob, while I appreciate your message, as far as I am concerned there is no need for you to apologize. The Board has provided an avenue for the membership to remove a Section Manager from office and you have exercised it, as you had every right to do. Given the result, your reasons clearly were not frivolous.
David Sumner, K1ZZ in Geneva at WRC-03
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Worley [mailto:w7vww@oregonfast.net]
Sent: Tue 6/24/2003 10:49 PM
To: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
Subject: Apology re: Oregon SM Recall Election

Good afternoon Dave.
Steve Ewald called me this morning with the news that our recall of Oregon Section Manager Marshall Johnson was successful.
I feel I need to apologize to you, the Board of Directors, and the ARRL staff for instigating this recall.  Holding a recall election cannot be cheap.  The funds expended for this election could instead have been used for the "Big Project", defending our bands against the onslaught of commercial interests, or for any of the myriad other expenses the ARRL incurs in representing and defending our beloved avocation, Amateur Radio.  I apologize for creating the circumstance that placed the League in a position of having to expend money on this "extra" election.
That being said, I am very grateful that the Bylaws and Rules & Regulations make provision for such an occurrence.  This recall effort was not undertaken lightly, and in the collective opinion of the petitioners, was absolutely necessary for the well-being of the the ARRL in general and of ARES/RACES in particular in the State of Oregon.
Rob T. Worley, Jr.  W7VWW
Life Member:  American Radio Relay League
                       Quarter Century Wireless Association
                       Central Oregon Coast Amateur Radio Club
Elmered by Christine Stovall  W5VWW, SK