I certainly wasn’t here in January when the Board passed the motion that effectively made this new membership category a reality, but in my long career with the ARRL, I’ve always maintained the position that the League should not be required to take on the morality risk of it’s members like an insurance company does when it issues life insurance policies. And that’s what we do when we make policy regarding life memberships. It’s been my opinion that it’s not our job to be an insurance company. And, in context, the Board was correct in trying to make this motion “revenue neutral”. I don’t expect the membership to understand this position but they are wrong in expecting us to “take care” of the older members. What they’re really asking for is for the younger members to subsidize the risk of their outliving the mortality tables. For us, it’s not about taking care of the older members, its about taking care of ALL the members.
Members always want “a deal”. They don’t understand that the $49/year term membership dues don’t cover the full cost of delivering the myriad services we offer. We need to generate non-dues revenues to do that but everyone only thinks about their cost, not the overall financial impact to the organization. Maybe that’s our fault for not explaining this better, but it is the underlying truth that most people, particularly the older, long term members, don’t understand.
I look forward to discussing this tomorrow at the A&F meeting but I will argue strenuously not to change what the Board has already done. Honestly, I would have argued strenuously against it when the motion was made.
Barry, N1VXY
From: arrl-odv <> On Behalf Of Mickey Baker
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 6:58 PM
To: Stratton, John, N5AUS (Dir, WG) <>
Cc: arrl-odv <>
Subject: [arrl-odv:30296] Re: Life 70+ Membership
No positive comments from Southeastern membership. "Insulting" was a word I've heard several times. I explained to one member that financial analysis showed this to be "revenue neutral." His response was that "that's the problem with ARRL, always looking to make a buck instead of taking care of members."
Mickey Baker, N4MB
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." Robert K. Greenleaf
On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 6:13 PM John Robert Stratton <> wrote:
All the comments I have received have been negative. Some consider the terms insulting.
John Robert Stratton
West Gulf Division
Office: 512-445-6262
Cell: 512-426-2028
P.O. Box 2232
Austin, Texas 78768-2232
On 5/15/20 5:05 PM, Roderick, Rick, K5UR via arrl-odv wrote:
Hi all:
Just a heads up that an article about the Life 70+ Membership was posted on the web and in the ARRL Letter. Here's the link in case you missed it.
I've received a couple of negative comments from members saying we didn't do enough. Recall that we debated that issue and I know that A&F struggled with it as well. Just a heads up in case you hear from your constituents.
Rick - K5UR
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