Tom, go for it.


Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director

5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040

E-mail:; Tel:  513-459-0142

ARRL Great Lakes Division

ARRL, the Reason Amateur Radio is!

Members, the Reason ARRL is!

-----Original Message-----
Bob Vallio []
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 2:19 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: Strategic Plan


Tom, I for one would like to see the word version on the ODV portion of the web site, and  I concur with your evaluation of the lack of success on implementing the plan.  Please send me a word copy.  Thanks.

Bob Vallio -- W6RGG

On 1/8/06, Tom Frenaye <> wrote:

At 10:40 AM 1/6/2006, K1ZZ wrote:

>Jay Bellows has kindly scanned the Strategic Plan that was adopted by the Board in January 2004. It is available to officers, directors and vice directors at
>< >

I can't believe we didn't originally get a copy of the strategic plan in MS Word format.   The PDF file is nice but hard to use if you want to do more than just read it.   I scanned the PDF and OCR'd it into MS Word if anyone wants a copy (or to post in the ODV part of the web site).

>Since that time, several strategies have been selected for implementation each year.

Thanks for sending the e-mail with the list.

>However, the Strategic Plan itself has not been reviewed and updated. The time is approaching when it will be appropriate to do that.

I think that's an understatement.   After re-reading the plan I don't think we've been very successful in implementing it.

           -- Tom

e-mail:   ARRL New England Division Director
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444