Katrina Report
Tuesday Sept 13, 2005
HQ Staff
Barring any extraordinary circumstances, this will be my
last regular Katrina update. I’ll issue others as the need arises.
Thanks to the Board and staff for their input and comments
on my previous updates.
Thanks to the Katteam members for their unselfish sharing of
their knowledge and expertise; their able help and assistance in getting the
job done; their unwavering dedication and commitment to the task; and for giving
up much of their own personal time to this effort. Special thanks to
Dennis Motschenbacher, and Allen Pitts who acted as our liaisons in the Gulf Coast
The Katteam members are: Jon Bloom, Joe Carcia, Steve Ewald,
Steve Ford, Norm Fusaro, Dan Henderson, Mary Hobart, Bob Inderbitzen, Harold
Kramer, Greg Kwasowski, Rick Lindquist, Wayne Mills, Bill Moore, Jodi Morin, Dennis
Motschenbacher, Dave Patton, Allen Pitts, Janet Rocco, Barry Shelley, Chuck Skolaut,
Maty Weinberg, and Rosalie White
- The Relief effort is winding
down for us as normal telecommunications infrastructure is restored.
Reports from the field indicate that cell phones, landline telephony and
electric power are returning to many of the areas that were damaged by
- As near as we can tell, there
are around 1,000 volunteer amateur radio operators currently deployed in
the Gulf Coast and other areas such as evacuee centers. The supply
of operators is currently sufficient but there are some concerns about
replacement operators. The amateur radio community has demonstrated
an incredible commitment to public service. We should be proud of
our efforts.
- We have shipped many of the HF and
VHF Radios and accessories such as headphones, power supplies, etc. to Montgomery for
deployment. Dennis reports that the equipment supply is currently
- Duracell has donated 5,000 AA
batteries for use in the field. Thanks to Mary Hobart for her
- The $100,000 CNCS grant has
been officially approved. Jon Bloom and staff have created a web
site to handle reimbursement requests. http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2005/09/13/2/?nc=1
Reimbursement requires SM or SEC approval and will be for $25
a day for a maximum of 4 days.
- On the PR front, Allen Pitts
reports that his quick Google search came up with 17 pages of “hits”
about amateur radio and Katrina. Allen has a professional
videographer, a ham, working in the Gulf Coast
on obtaining footage of our efforts.
- Our Washington team, along with President
Haynie, is submitting testimony about Amateur Radio’s role in the Hurricane
Katrina relief efforts for use at the upcoming Congressional hearing on
Hurricane Katrina.
And, in the life goes on department,
congratulations to Zoe Belliveau on obtaining her Technician License today and
Maria Somma on upgrading to Extra today.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
860 594 0220