Bob and Marc,

Having recently represented the ARRL at the largest hamfest in the Midwest (St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club) Winterfest Hamfest and ARRL Midwest Division Convention, as well as having met with the members of an up and coming college radio club at St. Louis University, W0FLN, I would like to receive an update from you on the forthcoming revisions to the ARRL  Membership Fee Schedule with respect to the following two categories so as to better inform our members and potential members:

  1. Free Student "Associate Membership” - to be available to those  applicants 21 years of age and younger who are full time students
  2. Life Membership

If you would provide an approximate schedule as to when these two categories of membership would become available, I would appreciate it very much.  I am repeatedly being asked about these at hamfests and radio club meetings where I represent the ARRL.

Thank you and 73,

Dave, K2DP

Dave Propper, K2DP
Member, ARRL Programs and Services Committee
Board Liaison, ARRL RF Safety Committee
Chair, ARRL Historical Committee
ARRL Midwest Division Vice Director
314-225-5167 (mobile)