See below: Just a note that Jim Schaum at HQ got my Comcast/ARRL mail server issue straightened out. I am copying ODV in case any of the rest of you have the issue I just had in the future. It's a strange one! David/Bob: Huge kudos to Jim and the IT staff at HQ for getting this figured out. I really appreciate the hard work they did to get this resolved, along with all the other issues they have to deal with on a daily basis. I received several status e-mails from Jim that were obviously well after quitting time back east. Well done! Now I have to play catch-up on all the reflector e-mails I missed for the last several weeks.... 73; Mike W7VO
Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad information on the Internet. We had finally found out what was causing the problem with comcast.net. For some reason, our system was trying to use the newer IPv6 protocol when talking to comcast.net. Our environment is not set up to use that protocol. After trying a few options for resolving that issue, I finally found one this morning which actually worked. After making the change, I saw log records indicating successful mail delivery to users on comcast.net, including one for you. I am much more confident that this has finally resolved the comcast.net issue for good, but let me know what your experience is. Thank you for your patience in dealing with this matter.
From: Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net> Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 6:29 PM To: Schaum, James <jschaum@arrl.org> Cc: Naumann, Robert, W5OV <w5ov@arrl.org> Subject: RE: W7VO ODV e-mail
The Comcast issue is still there. I sent a test email to ODV from my Comcast e-mail account. It got posted, as usual, but I received no reply in my Comcast inbox from the ODV reflector. Funny though, ARRL ads and personal e-mails from "arrl.org" addresses are getting through fine, just no reflector e-mails, so it's not a generic "arrl.org" issue. It has something to do specifically with the reflectors. Either the ARRL mail server is blocking them from leaving, or Comcast is blocking them from getting to me somehow.
Keep in mind that I have never lost the ability to send messages to the ARRL reflectors, the reflectors cannot get messages to me. (Except now through Gmail.)
Hope this helps!
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On 12/14/2021 5:01 AM Schaum, James <jschaum@arrl.org mailto:jschaum@arrl.org > wrote:
I am fairly certain I got everything. If I missed something or you need to add anything additional, please let me know. Thank you.
From: Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net mailto:w7vo@comcast.net > Sent: Monday, December 13, 2021 10:39 PM To: Schaum, James <jschaum@arrl.org mailto:jschaum@arrl.org > Subject: RE: W7VO ODV e-mail
I forgot the ARRLF reflector, also.
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On 12/13/2021 7:17 PM Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net mailto:w7vo@comcast.net > wrote:
Thanks, Jim! I am now getting ODV e-mails through gmail, but still not from Comcast.
Can you please add my mike.ritz1@gmail mailto:mike.ritz1@gmail account to all the other e-mail reflectors I have with ARRL? (PSC, Bandplanning, CAC, DXAC and CSI).
If this does get cleared up with Comcast, I'll gladly take two emails over zero! ;-)
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On 12/13/2021 6:47 PM Schaum, James <jschaum@arrl.org mailto:jschaum@arrl.org > wrote:
I am not sure why, but your account(s) on ODV were both blocked. The one account points directly to your comcast email and the other one points to your arrl.org email. I unblocked both of them. I also added your mike.ritz1@gmail.com mailto:mike.ritz1@gmail.com account. Since your arrl.org alias points to your comcast email address, you will probably get two messages for everyone that is posted.
From: Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net mailto:w7vo@comcast.net > Sent: Monday, December 13, 2021 4:55 PM To: Naumann, Robert, W5OV <RNaumann@arrl.org mailto:RNaumann@arrl.org >; Schaum, James <jschaum@arrl.org mailto:jschaum@arrl.org > Cc: Roderick, Rick, K5UR (President) <K5UR@arrl.org mailto:K5UR@arrl.org > Subject: RE: W7VO ODV e-mail
Thanks, Bob. I just sent e-mails to the ARRL PSC reflector and the Bandplanning reflectors. Neither of those test messages has made it back to me yet either. Maybe we're back to the Comcast/ARRL mail server blacklisting issue again?
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On 12/13/2021 1:39 PM Naumann, Robert, W5OV <rnaumann@arrl.org mailto:rnaumann@arrl.org > wrote:
Can you check into the below reported ODV email issue by Director Ritz?
Mike – I’m sorry, but I do not have any visibility into ODV and I am also not on that distribution list.
Jim will be able to assist you or have one of his staff resolve the problem.
Bob W5OV
From: Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net mailto:w7vo@comcast.net > Sent: Monday, December 13, 2021 15:36 To: Naumann, Robert, W5OV <w5ov@arrl.org mailto:w5ov@arrl.org > Cc: Roderick, Rick, K5UR (President) <K5UR@arrl.org mailto:K5UR@arrl.org > Subject: W7VO ODV e-mail
E-mails sent to me through the ODV e-mail reflector appear to be getting lost in the ether, perhaps back to the latter part of last month or so. (Maybe around the time the new Directors were added to ODV?) Can you check with somebody in ARRL IT and confirm that I am still on ODV? PSC seems to be working OK.
If everything on that end is OK, can you have my generic mike.ritz1@gmail mailto:mike.ritz1@gmail e-mail address added to ODV, in addition to my w7vo@comcast.net mailto:w7vo@comcast.net address? Somehow, Comcast may be restricting (blacklisting) ARRL e-mails again as junk mail. I'd rather get duplicate e-mails instead of zero!
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